The Chase

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Jacob could hear the pain in her screaming.

He was the cause of her nightmares. For the past month, her nightmares had been frequent. He flinched as he heard her crying.

Just a few more days and I'll explain everything, Aisling.

He thought as he stood on all fours, a few kilometres away from her house. How much he wanted to go in there and comfort her, apologise. Tell her how much he loves her. Jacob listens to Carlisle comforting Aisling.

Not half as bad as I thought he was, he thinks.

A repulsive, faint odor made it's way to Jacob's snout. It was a familiar scent, a vampire's but not the Cullens'.

"Sam! It's the same vamps again!" Jacob didn't waste another moment and started running in the direction of the odor.

"Jake! Wait up for us! There are three of them. You won't be able to handle them!"
Jacob heard Paul's voice in his mind but he didn't stop chasing after the vampires.

They have been running loose and feeding for too long. He sees the red head jumping from tree to tree.

He runs as fast as his fore and hind limbs allows him to. The odor becomes more prominent. He maintains distance between him and them.

The smell of human blood is overwhelming. He notices the vampires feeding on a lifeless girl. The entire area is bloody. His stomach turns at the sight of the dead, bloody bodies on the ground.

He slowly creeps up to them. They are the same vampires that they have been chasing for more than a week. A twig snaps underneath his paw, causing chaos. The vampires run off in a blur.

"Paul and Jared, head west. Embry and Quil, east! They're heading north. Wehave to ambush them!" Jacob orders, chasing after the vampires. He senses Sam, Brady and  Collin behind him.

They ran and ran until they reached somewhere unfamiliar, maybe Canada. At last the vampires were all on the edge of a cliff. The werewolves formed a semi-circle around the vampires, slowly closing in. In a flash, the vampires turned around and jumped into the ocean below.

"We have to head back. We'll come for them next time." Sam's alpha voice rings through each of the werewolf's head.

"We need to take them down right now. We may not get the chance again." Jacob objects, nearing the edge of the cliff.

"You don't think I realise that, Jake? We will kill them, just not today." The alpha voice commands all of them to head back.

Jacob trudges, half naked through the woods.

"Jacob!" He is stopped by Sam.

"I know, you love Aisling and everything but you should know better than to stalk her every night." The corners of Jacob's mouth turns up into a small smile.

"I don't stalk her. I'm just looking out for her."

"She lives with bloodsuckers. They could smell you out."

"They won't. I stay far enough."

"I know you're mad at me for not letting you meet her. You got to under-" Sam's words is cut off by Jacob.

"I do, okay. I am willing to do this for her safety. I can control my phasing now. I would never hurt her. I want to to see her like I did before."

"Okay. But, not a word about werewolves."
Jacob breaks into a goofy grin and hugs Sam tightly.

"Woah, now you realise you've loved me all long?" Sam jokes and laughs.

Jacob laughs along, just happy about the fact that he can finally talk to Ais.

She probably is mad at him. She has every right to. I just have to make her un-mad, he thought. He smiled, thinking about the first time he saw her.

                            3 months ago

"This is Aisling Cullen. Yes, she is a member of the Cullens. She will be joining our school today onwards. I'm Jared J. I'm your homeroom teacher." The teacher smiles at the new kid.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"
"My name is, um, Aisling Cullen. I'm 17. I, um, moved in from Canada last week." The girl stammers her way through, mentally cursing herself.

"Okay, 'umAisling', you can take a seat beside her right over there." The teacher jokes, pointing to a seat to the far left.
Jacob notices the girl's rosy cheeks. 

Probably embarassment. He knew he was staring but he couldn't stop. Her long, wavy hair frames her face so good. He chuckles silently when she trips a bit while walking to her assigned seat, two seats infront of him.

Adorable, he thought as their eyes met for a fraction of a second.

How cute does Taylor look in the picture!? ❤

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