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"There was other vampires with him as well when we were tracking him." Jacob says, his eyes staring at nothing in particular.
"He used to travel with his sister alone. He must have picked the others along the way." Esme sighs.
"We need a plan." Edward declares, determined to get his sister back.
"The werewolves are willing to help." Jacob says.
"We are grateful for that but if something happens to them. It'll be because of us. We can take care of this." Carlisle gives a small smile.
Alice freezes and her mind is drowned by visions.
Jasper puts an arm around her, alarmed.
A look of fear flashes on her eyes.
"What did you see?" Rosalie inquires, worried.
"It's James. He's, he's building an army of vampires." Alice stutters, "He plans to kill us all."
The atmosphere grows tense as Jacob's worry for Aisling heightens.
"We can't just sit around like this. If we are going to attack, we might as well do it as a team." Jacob stands up, clenching his fists.

"We have a slight advantage here." Carlisle's voice booms. The vampires stand behind him.
Infront of Carlisle, the werewolves sit in a straight line with Sam in the lead. The hugest, black as midnight. Behind him, the second hugest werewolf with reddish-brown fur, Jacob.
"James won't be expecting the werewolves. We have an element of suprise." Carlisle speaks, "Alice has already foreseen where the fight is going down. James is waiting for us there with Aisling. We will attack them while the werewolves will be hiding in the woods behind ready to attack."
Edward reads Sam's mind and translates it for the vampires.
"Sam agrees with the idea." Edward puts an arm around Bella beside him.
"Our number one priority is Aisling's safety." Emmett speaks up.
"The fight takes place tommorow in the east of this city, in the Hoh Rain Forest, where he's captured Aisling." Alice sighs.
"We need to be prepared for tomorow. James is a clever and manipulative vampire. He will stop at no lengths to destroy our family." Esme stands next to Carlisle.
"There are may be more than 20 vampires. They are all new borns. New borns are physically strong for the first year or so. They can easily crush an older vampire with ease." Jasper speaks up after a brief silence, "But they can be beaten. They'll fight like children, relying on their strength. The two most important things to remember are not to let them get their arms around you and not to go for the obvious kill."
"Emmett?" He asks.
Emmett steps out of the line and backs up a few paces, his body tensing.
A muttered rumble of appreciation is heard from the wolves as Jasper swiftly has Emmett from behind, his teeth an inch away from Emmett's throat.
Soon, Rosalie, Esme and Alice joins in as the werewolves watch intently.
"We can't thank you enough for your help." Carlisle says as it starts to get dark.
"Sam says that Aisling is like family, they're happy to help." Edward manages a small smile.
The pack leaves one by one.
Jacob is the last one to leave. He takes one last glance at the vampires and fades into the darkness of the woods.
A small whimper leaves his throat as he thinks about Aisling.

Hope yall are liking it so far.
P.s: I have a new story called 'Ruins' based off 'The Vampire Diaries'. You can check it out if you want. :)

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