Fire, That's What It Feels Like

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are." James laughs, his hand gripping onto Aisling's waist. She doesn't dare look down as they stand far high up from the ground. There's a gap separating the two cliffs. They stand several metres away from the gap.
The newborns stand behind him, hungry for blood.
"There you are." James shouts, staring at the other cliff.
Aisling sees them only after a minute or so, walking towards them.
It's her family. Carlisle is in the lead with Esme followed by the rest.
Tears sting her eyes as she sees them.
"James." Edward speaks up as they come nearer.
"I was the one who killed your sister. Not her. Let her go." Edward pleads.
"So then why don't you come over here and I rip your head off?" James smiles darkly.
"I'll do as you say. Please, just let her go."
"Okay. I'll let her go." James says, coming forward with Aisling.
Edward reads James's mind a spilt second before he throws Aisling off the cliff. Edward jumps to save her from crashing onto the ground.
"What's that repulsive odor?" James questions turning behind to face a pack of werewolves running towards them.
Her body crashes into the other cliff while falling straight down.
Memories of her cliffdiving with Jacob run through her mind as she falls into Edward's arms before she sinks into unconsciousness.
Her head is a bloody mess with deep gashes and cuts everywhere. Her eyes are closed but her heart beats faintly.
The smell of her blood is overpowering which freezes Edward for a moment.
"Aisling!" Jacob lands gracefully beside Edward from the cliff.
Pain flashes across his face as he looks at her vulnerable, limp body.
"She's dying." Edward says, emotionless, unable to process anything.
"No! She's not." Jacob yells in denial.
"You can save her." He adds, desperation in his voice.
"I don't want that for her. She doesn't deserve that." Edward stares at her.
"She deserves to live." Jacob pleads.
It's silent between them for a while. Edward can hear the fight going on up. He thinks about the first time he held Aisling in his arms. How much he wanted to protect her from this.
He sets her head on his lap carefully, taking her wrist shakily.
He bares his fangs, sinking it into her delicate wrist. The venom from his fangs seeps into her blood.
He lets go of her wrist, his mouth spilling with her blood. Jacob kneels beside her, tears filling his eyes. He takes her hand.
The pain jolts her awake as the venom flows through her body.
Fire, that's what it feels like. It feels like her blood is just fire, scalding her insides. She screams in agony, writhing in pain.
Edward stands up, wiping his mouth.
"I'll be back." A look of dark fire plays in his eyes as he climbs up the cliff.
He runs up to James, ripping apart anyone who gets in his way. His hand punctures through a brunette's chest, pulling out her heart. He throws it behind him, kicking her into the woods.
"I was really hoping she'd die, not turn. But oh well." James grins, sitting on a tree.
He jumps, landing on his feet.
"That's her screaming, isn't it?" James chuckles, mocking her. "Ahhh!" He pretends to scream in a shrill voice.
Rage fills Edward as he growls darkly at James.
They start circling each other. Edward shadows his footwork, reading his intentions in his thoughts.
James lunges at Edward but it's a fraction of a second too late as Edward has already read his thoughts.
Edward's hands grab around James's throat. He climbs onto his back, pulling his head with all his might.
And then the tangle of blonde hair was no longer attached to the rest of his body. It fell to the ground, bouncing once, rolling towards the clearing.
He throws the dismembered body away, falling on his knees.
He can hear her still screaming in pain.
He closes his eyes, wishing it were all a dream. He failed to protect her.

3 days later

Jacob walks into the room where Aisling is laid down on a stainless steel table. She is in a clean, new dress. Her wounds have healed. She looks at peace.
Her screaming haunted him at night. He never felt so helpless before in that moment.
He holds her cold hand, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Carlisle assured him that the transformation takes two to five days at most.
But he couldn't help worrying about her, doubting if she'll wake up.
"I love you, Ais." He whispers, giving a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

Thank you for 1.1k reads yall.
       - Simran

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