Humans are a no go.

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The sunlight drifted though the crack in my black out curtains. Groaning from the sudden exposure to the light I flip over on my stomach and bury my head into the pillow. Just as I had gotten comfortable someone barged in and ruined my peace.

"Get the fuck up dude! You are old enough that I shouldn't have to come and get you up for school!"

I groan, "Don't be a buzz kill big bro," my voice was muffled by the pillow but I knew that he heard me.

"Don't big bro me! You should be up and dressed! First day of your senior year now get your fat ass up!"

I propped my self up on my elbows and looked over at Paiten, my older brother, "No need to be hostile we are brothers after all."

He rolled his eyes and walked out of my room, "Get up or your going back with mom and dad!" He yelled.

This time I rolled my eyes. Rolling back over on my back I look up at the white ceiling.

"Stupid sun," I said before getting up.

"Hey babe," Lexi said walking into my room. Damn he left the door open and the trash drifted in.

"Lex, what are you doing here?"

"Paiten told me to see if I could come and get you out of bed," Damn him. She came over and sat on my lap, her blue jean mini skirt rising up.

"Well I was just hopping in the shower," Standing up I push her off.

"Can I join," She bit her lip seductively.

"I'd love to take you up on that offer but, no. Not feeling it, you know?" And with that I walked into my bathroom that is connected to my bedroom and locked the door. Definitely don't want her to try anything.

After taking a shower and all that, I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. The stream from the shower escaped the bathroom before I could. I go over to my walk in closet and pull on some boxers, and a random pair of pants that were hanging up. Then, I grab my timberland's and a pair of socks and walk out the closet.

"Jonathan! First period just started get your ass down here!" Its always something with him I swear.

"I'm putting on my shoes don't get your panties in a twist!" I yelled back. Finally I walk down stairs with my white v neck shirt and leather jacket in hand.

"Dude seriously late on your first day mom and dad are going to kill you, then me!" Paiten said while flipping some pancakes.

"Your their perfect little alpha they aren't going to kill you," I said while swiping some bacon.

"Put on a shirt! And go to school and get an education for once!"

I shook my head, "But I haven't even had breakfast yet the most nutritious meal of the day!"

"I don't care, I have had enough of you all summer now go to school!" shrugging I put on my shirt and jacket and walk out the side door that leads into the garage. After grabbing my motorcycle I head off to the hell called school.

"Jonathan! Sit with me baby!" Lexi practically yelled. Groaning I walk over and sit in the back of the class room with her. All of her little friends also came over and sat in the back with us.

"Hey Jonathan," One of the girls flirted with me. Lex growled at her and my head snapped back in her direction so did several others. She passed it off as a cough.

I casually leaned in by her ear, "Lexi tone it down, remember there are humans at this school who know nothing about our kind."

Finally the teacher started teaching whatever she taught, and I impatiently waited for the bell to ring. And, at last it did ring. Time for lunch finally.

Standing in the door way I saw a girl pass she had strait hair and was wearing a blue shirt. She intrigued me so I followed her. I don't know why, but I did. As I got closer and closer her scent engulfed me, she's human. Stopping dead in my tracks I turn around and go in the opposite direction.

Humans are a no go.

So instead I made my way off school grounds with a few of my friends and we got into some. . .Trouble.

My mate. The human. (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora