I screamed.

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Im just gonna leave this vampire diaries edit here. . .

I screamed. I didn't know what else to do, so I screamed.

Harley had pulled the wolf off of me somehow. She hauled me back inside the car buckling me into passengers seat while I freaked out. The wolf had ran off, and for that I was grateful. Tears started to stream down my eyes as the pain got worse.

"I'm so sorry! I should've gotten to him before he got to you!" Harley apologized. I collapsed into the seat turning to face her as she had her eyes on the road. I shook my head not being able to speak.

"It's not your fault," I finally managed to make out.

The car came to a stop in front of a house. Jonathan's house. Harley came to my side of the car picked me up bridal style then started hollering, "help! Help! Luna s-she's hurt!" My eyes fluttered opened and closed as people gathered around us.

One person in particular got my attention. I was handed to this person and the sparks told me exactly who the person was, before everything went black.

               My eyes opened at last. I looked around trying to put together where I was. Sitting up I clutched my right arm and everything came flooding back. The wolf. Harley saving me. Jonathan. Jonathan's house. That's where I must be now.

Looking down at my right arm I see it bandaged with white bandages that are stained with blood. I cringed at the sight. Something I thought was nice and wouldn't hurt me turned right back around and bit me on the arm.

Bringing my arm up to my chest I threw my legs over the side of the bed. My feet touched the plush grey carpet and I stood up with shaky legs. The lights were off and it was dark so I used my left hand to navigate around the room all the way to the door. Reaching the door I open it carefully and quietly.

Going through the door I make my way down the hall towards the voices.

"How did he escape?" A voice that sounded an awful lot like Parker's said.

"I don't know. He was there then he just wasn't!" That's Alex's voice without a doubt.

"How's Evangeline?" Audrey.

"She's fine, asleep a few rooms down," Jonathan.

"What are we going to do?" Leah. At this point I was outside the door, unnoticed.

"Go after him. That's all we can do, then we kill him!" Jonathan fist hit the desk in front of him and my hand covered my mouth as I gasped.

Kill someone!

Hearing footsteps coming towards the door I dash down the hallway only to have my foot get caught on a lamp table and have everything come crashing down on me. I yelped in pain.

More footsteps were heard coming towards me, "Eva, what are you doing?" I looked up to see Jonathan looking down at me.

My clumsy self laid flat on my back and looked up at him unable to form words. He pulled me up and Leah put everything back on the table.

"Why are you out of bed?" I looked at him my mouth opening and closing unable to talk.

He walked me back to the room. I was still at loose for words so I let him lead me in and lay me back down on the bed, "I'll be back in a few."

Nodding my head I watched him go. The door shut and I was back on my feet, and over to the window looking up at the star filled sky. There was a quarter moon shining bright up above. I looked down at the woods that soaked up the sunlight that reflected off the moon. The woods were beautiful yet dangerous. No place for someone like me.

I walked away from the window and looked around the room. It was fairly plain and probably one of the many guest rooms. Sighing I looked back down at my arm then went to the restroom and turned on the light. Closing the door I go and sit on the toilet seat.

How could I be so careless? One encouragement with a wolf and I think all of them are friendly. Look where I am now.

A crash brings me out of thought. Coming out of the bathroom and out the room I go in search for the crash. Ending up back to the room that everyone was in earlier.

The sound of a wood breaking came from the room again. It sounded as if someone was tearing apart the room. I cowered back. The door was cracked open so being the curious animal I was I decided to peak inside. Just to make sure everyone was okay.

The scene I saw inside was something unseen by man kind. I had to put my hand over my mouth once again to keep from screaming, but soon fail in my attempt. So once again, I scream hoping it's all a dream. Wishing, praying, it was all a dream.

The door opened fully, I coward in fear as Jonathan was the one who opened the door. No fur, no tail, he wasn't a beast. Maybe, it was just a dream. No, no, a figure of my imagination. A hallucination. The medicine they gave me was playing tricks on me.

"Eva, what are you doing?" My legs gave out and I fell into his arms.

"I wanna go home," my lips trembled as I spoke. He picked me up bridal style.

"I'll take you home soon. Okay? I promise."

And I believed his promise.

Qotd: who else ships dean and cas in supernatural ?
Aotd: I DO

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