"Evangeline. . ."

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I hate Fridays. Theory the most miserable day of the week for me. This continues now, as I sit in the last class of day trying to remember the last time I had a period. I'm not complaining about it since it's the most painful time of the month for me, but I really can't remember when I last had it.

The thought came to me when a girl at lunch had asked me for a tampon. Me being the nice person I am gave it to her, but the point is I can't remember when I last had mine. I have it written down on a calendar at home, but that's all the way back home, and I'm unfortunately at school.

I began to panic, and to make things worse the teacher just had to call on me, "Evangeline, will you come up to the board and solve this equation."

My breathing got harsh. I stood up and pushed my chair back, my vision blurred for a second, then I step out from behind my desk. My legs got weak and gave out, hitting my head on the edge of the dress next to me I passed out.

                   "Beep, beep, beep," I groaned, waving my hand to the side to shut up the stupid alarm clock. I swiped and felt nothing.

Prying my eyes open I sat up, gasping for air, "honey, honey. Lay back down."

I look to my left seeing my dad, giving him a questioning look I look around to see I'm in the hospital.

"You fell and hit Your head pretty hard," a nurse walked in clip board in hand. She came over to me and flashed a light in my eyes, "You have a mild concussion. Nothing to serious, but you also fainted. Your blood sugar was low, so we hooked you up to an IV."

She wrote somethings on the clip board, I looked at my dad signaling for him to leave he excused himself to go to the cafeteria.

"I'm in a situation," I started off talking to the nurse. She looked up at me, "I haven't had a period since August," I went back to last one I remembered.

"Any sexual encounterments between then and now?" She asked. I shook my head 'no'. After asking a few more questions about my period, whitch I answered truthfully to all she left.

But not before saying, "your visitors can come in now."

Looking back at the door I see a few familiar faces come inside the hospital room.

"Eva, what happened." Leah asked me.

"I managed to fall and hit my head on a desk giving me a concussion," I said with a shrug. I hadn't seen any of them since the party, but decided not to question them on their absence at school.

My dad takes this time to walk in with Alice. I'm not supposed to have an opinion of her, but I really don't like her. Along with them a nurse walks in behind them.

"I just want to take some blood, then she's free to go," the nurse eyed all the people in the room especially Jonathan. I began to feel jealous at the thought of him being with anyone else but me.

A thought I could not shake off. Was I just an accident? Did he actually want me or was I just another one of his play toys. I didn't was to be a play toy I wanted to his!

My thoughts stoped abruptly as the needle was stabbed into my arm and I let out a yelp. Falling back against the bed I look around the room, only to have my eyes meet Jonathan's. Looking into his eyes I could see all of his emotion swirled along with everything else.

At last the nurse pulled the needle out my arm and took the bag of blood dismissing herself and me.

"I'll go start the car, you get ready," my dad dismissed himself once again. It was like he was trying to avoid the whole situation, if he didn't want to be here then he could've at least sent Marie. I stood up with the help of Leah, and made my way to the bathroom.

I was given my clothes I had came here in and my phone. The time on my cellular device read 10:30 am. I had been here for a little less than a day. Shaking my head I put on my clothes and walk out the bathroom, suddenly in a rush to get out the hospital.

In the room I only see Jonathan. Leah and Audrey have ditched me once again.

"Are you ok?"

I looked at him in disbelief. To think he was actually talking to me, "I'm fine."

My answer was simple and I wished I had said more to him.

"Good," he smiled showing his perfect white and strait teeth, and of course I couldn't help but smile back. To say his smile is contagious is an understatement.

He took a few steps towards me, as the seconds went by he was closer and closer to my body. My breath hitched as he took his last step, and we were face to face.

"Evangeline. . ." He said trailing off, "I really like you."

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