3 Bartender

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When we get home from the dinner only Penelope was there. I make a display of looking around. "Where's Francis?" I ask her.

"Maybe you shouldn't know. After all it was you that made him follow me." She pauses, drinking whatever it was that was in her cup. It looked like wine but I knew it was probably blood. "Was it not?"

"I wanted to make sure you got home safely." I explain, shrugging and heading down the hallway. Penelope holds my gaze until I turn the corner, and knock softly on Francis's door. He opens it. Only in shorts. "Would you at least make an effort to put on a shirt?" I scoff.

He smirks, crossing his arms and leaning across the doorframe. "Can I help you?" He asks, his voice filled with mocking and amusement.

"No. I wanted to make sure you were left unscathed by the Queen Bee." I tell him, then push him inside his room and shut his door, rolling my ice blue eyes at my little brother I had just trapped in his own room.

My feet carry me to my own room, noticing Bastian must've had compelled some poor lad to move in New furniture. Cherry Oak bed boards and dresser with a dress and a long mirror had been set up. The sheets and drapes on my window matching red and gold design.

It was a warm, inviting room with hard wood floors and light painted walls that was tan-yellow. He knew I liked the warm rich colors and beauty so I gratefully unpacked my clothes and boxes. Hanging them up and setting up the few things I held dear to me around the room, and twist the gold ring on my finger, observing it when it was done.

I snap out of my trance, knowing full well that I could be moving tomorrow if something happened. If I wanted to stay here for any long amount of time I needed friends in high places. I take a deep breath, then leave my room and join Bastian in the main room, and he hands me a glass of whiskey as I draw closer. I take it from him, smiling slightly.

"Where are you going exactly?" He asks me, his own accent flipping in his words like fish in water.

"Beginning my usual routine." I straighten up, taking a sip of the strong drink. "This city is touristy. And unlike Tokyo there aren't just vampires here. There's a large field of supernatural traditions and culture." I pour myself some wine once I finish the whiskey, smelling the wine and slightly smiling. Someone must've tapped it with blood because it certainly smelled more iron containing than wine.

"Yes. Which means there's probably already a system of vampires and humans working together here. I'm sure there's peace here, and no need for your interference." He replies judgementally.

"I don't live in a city without controlling it, Bash." I finish the blood wine, my eyes darkening at the lingering blood on my lips. Then they return to normal. "From what I understand Marcel controls the vampires and the regent of the witches is some lad who called himself Vincent Griffith. The wolves live in the bayou but they don't have a set pack anymore. However, they do respect Hayley Marshall Kenner. Who is..." I trail off. Bastian rubs his forehead.

"The mother of NiKlaus's child " He finishes. "Learn that in the last three days?"

"No. I knew that several years ago." I tell him with a smirk. "I don't need to control the lot of them. I only need loyalty." My hands smooth down my dress, and I fluff out my red curls and untwist the necklace with a small metal pendant on it, laying it out flat. "Starting with the humans. Then the witches. Their soul purpose is to uphold the balance of nature." I fold my fingers together behind my back, laying on the waist of my dress.

"How exactly do you plan on making an alliance with the witches who are already allied with Marcel?" Bash asks me, narrowing his eyes as though trying to get inside and read my mind. Know my methods and my steps.

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