12 Business

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The attached image is in no way mine,

"Here." Niklaus stops walking. I look at him, running my fingers though my hair in a bored fashion. He kicked the door open, and it busts at the impact. The old door blowing inwards as the doorframe splinters and exploded outwards. I send a 'really' look at the Hybrid. He seemed quite pleased with himself.

"Well, now I know where you get your theatrics, little sister." Francis ruffles my red ringlets and before I can slug him, ducks into the house. It was clearly a non-permanent destination as he wasn't stopped at the threshold. I almost wished he was. Just to have the satisfaction to make a snide remark. Instead, I'm left outside as the boys go in, scanning the area outside before following.

"Freya's locator spell lead us here. Now we just need to find it." Elijah muses. I sigh deeply, looking around the dusty room, crinkling my nose up at the bones and other witchy ingredients scattered about. I'd always taken a fascination with witch craft, but jealousy of their power had always made me regard their ways with disdain. Though, I felt admiration.

"Don't worry, Elijah. I'm sure the great sword of mystical bone and death is just lying about on an old couch or dining table." Francis says, lifting a large piece of parchment from a desk. Dust billows in the air as he does. Elijah only sent him a look, which my little brother missed as he was bent over something that had caught his attention. "I hate witches. Always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere." My brother mutters, dropping the parchment, and more dust clouds into the air. He coughs, grimacing.

"I've never met a witch to spew their..." I grimace at my brother. "Bodily fluids."

"Ah, glad to see you still play devil's advocate." Francis replies, and I clench my jaw, aiming for another comeback before Niklaus ends the argument before it can start.

"Careful, France. Remember the devil was once an angel." The Hybrid moves a globe aside, then bends his head to look down into the brick fireplace. As though a lightbulb goes off in my head, I pull him aside, and Klaus sends me a disgruntled look.

I ignore him, and inch into the fireplace, standing up with ashes covering my converse shoes. Turning the black canvas to gray. As I straighten up in the chimney, I come to eye level with it. Why are people always hiding things in their fireplace? What a dangerous habit. The irony was that I myself, had a white oak stake dangling above my fireplace at home. I grab the sword, the hilt seeming to fit perfectly into my hand.

The bronze was embedded with topaz jewels. The blade was long and curved ever so slightly. Different colors and textures of bone was there, melted into one razor sharp edge. Suddenly my pendant burns me. It was quick, and lightning fast. I felt my skin healing from the burn only seconds after. But it made my skin crawl with dread. Danger. Real, actual danger. Which meant... I duck out of the chimney, coming face to face with four or five witches. Three of them had their hands up, giving the Originals and my brother enough migraines to keep them on their knees.

I expected to arrive at the same fate, but the girl in the front only held out her hand expectantly as she saw the sword in my hands. "Pass over the sword, and we will all walk away scathe free." She offers. "Don't, and we'll kill you all." The sword seems to hum in my palm. As if it came alive with energy. Possibly, it did. A frown graces my lips, and I purse them. Why didn't she just fling it from my grasp? Perhaps there was some reason why she couldn't?

I didn't get to think about it, because Francis cries out in agony. Alarm shot through me. She wasn't getting this sword, and he wouldn't die. "Didn't anyone tell you," I ask, taking a step up to her, smiling sadistically. "Don't give ultimatums to a Queen." I hurl the sword at the chest of the witch who had Niklaus pinned downwards, but glared defiantly upwards. As the witch gasps, flies backwards, The Hybrid jumps to his feet. "Someone might get hurt." I finish, but when I look back at the leader of this little group, her eyes had gone wide with fear.

Her Majesty // MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now