21 Battlefield

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The song attached is Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez (highly recommend btw). The image is sorta how I see Cain in this, though a bit older. (The Model I think is Lucky Blue Smith)

I let go of the elastic band, and it snaps against my head. My red curls fell in tight ringlets. I look in the full length mirror, then out the window towards the apartment that could be seen from here. It was empty, except Joseph. Whom had a long looking object in his hands and wore a suite of a butler. He broomed the broken glass of the tv together, which he must have discarded because it was no where in sight. A smile touches my lips. I should probably compel him, to make him forget ever meeting us. Something about the way he gracefully cleaned made me stop.

I know I shouldn't, but I laughed. There's a knock on the door and I turn around, my eyes landing on a tall Italian with a dark suit and a black mask. "Alba." I admire him in the doorway. He looked clean, nice.

"Hello, Merida, Queen of Scots." He says, without any of the kind warmth that I had grown accustomed to. I visibly step back, but thankfully the white feathery mask hid the majority of my emotions. "I wasn't going to come." His accent did nothing to hide the coldness of his tone. I wanted to shiver with the tone.

In comparison to his dark suit and mask, mine was light. White and pale blue. It made my eyes bright. Where his made his eyes dark.

I swallow thickly, and step away from the mirror, no longer able to see the full beauty of my floor-length strapless dress. The back was crossed back and forth, showing the League's signature Roses tattooed there with Gaelic writing. That's not all it put on display. The Mark on my arm stood out like a sore thumb. The stars on my neck that had made their way down my collar bone looked like nothing more than tattoos. "Then why did you?" I dare asked, tilting my head back, as though bracing myself for harsh words.

"Because my heart won." He looked me straight in the eyes, his dark ones hitting my light ones like yin and yang. "Despite my better judgment." Alba cleared his throat. "I know you killed all those witches, and warlocks." It was like a slap across the face. I even clenched my jaw. "Friends. Family, my coven, Merida." The Bartender seemed overly upset, but he regained himself. "So this will be the last night I spend with you."

If there was ever a way to tell someone 'I can't do this anymore', this was a sucky way to do so. Except, I didn't feel bad. Or guilt. Or sadness. In fact, I understood. Maybe deep down I was gasping for breath and drowning, but I forced myself to nod silently. "Okay." At my simple response Alba holds out his arm, and I walk toward to take it. The Mark brushing his coat sleeve.

And, like a Queen, I was led down the stairs, into the party of fake smiles and rich kids. And I joined them, being both of those things.

It's Hayley that approaches us first, Niklaus close behind her. The Hybrid scanned the crowd with slow, calculating eyes. "Your dress is stunning." Hayley marvels at it, taking my hands and spreading them wide so she could look better at it. Hers was red, a dark red that shone purple under certain lighting. It had one side sleeve, with dark lace trim. I didn't get to return the compliment before Nik grabs my upper arm and gestures to the bar.

"There's your demon." He hissed. I follow his gaze, and land on a man, not older than thirty. The same on in the photo. Except in real life he looked much younger.

"She has all night to talk to him, Klaus." Hayley hits his arm. "Lay off."

"And you are?" Niklaus doesn't bother acknowledging Hayley's words, but he does let go of my arm. His eyes were dark in the gloom and his mask showed them as the center of his face. They looked at Alba with a malice that made me sigh.

Her Majesty // MikaelsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora