35 Birthday

359 11 0

Song: Algiers- Blood.

I kick the door open. Trusting a hand out, and immediately being stopped at the threshold. This again. I lick my lips, glancing at Onoskelis who was beside me. "The little Zetrov witch likes to keep vampires out. Could you fetch her?" I ask the demon, who was looking at me in a victorious way. Her long dark dreads framing her face.

Honestly​, she was quite beautiful. Though, her dark hair and black eyes seemed to contrast with her pale skin in a more sickly way than beautiful. But if she had a tan perhaps she'd be a model. And she would need to wear something better than leather and black. Though, in moments like this, where blood was sure to stain, black was the best bet.

"Why do you need Valerie anyway?" The demons asks, finding this moment to be ideal for a questionnaire.

"Because Skelly, she's probably the only witch in the Quarter who would help me track down Aurora." I reply, exasperated. She looks into the flat.

"How do you know she's here?"

"Common sense." I retort, forcing my hand against the barrier once more. "If Zetrov had killed her, or she left, there wouldn't still be a damned curse on this residency."

"Why can't you just threaten some other witch to do it?" She asks me. I palm my forehead.

"Because I massacred the lot of them, now, are we done playing 20 Questions?" I snap. Onoskelis shrugs, then steps over the threshold and goes in search of Valerie.

I wait in the hall, tapping my foot impatiently on the short carpet. It'd probably be easier to just kill Valerie. Zetrov would be down a witch and I'd be up ahead of them. Plus, I'm slowly collecting stars on my skin and I don't hate the black little marks much anymore. My shoulder was all but healed, and I planned on taking the stitches out tonight.

I'll have Valerie perform the locator spell, then I'll kill her. And leave her head on Zetrov's doorstep. Where that might be, I'm not sure yet. Here's hoping Valerie will tell me.

Then I'll rip her head off, quite literally.

Onoskelis reappears, and she pushes the witch in front of her. Who clutched that same tea cup she had grabbed before. One I believed to be a dark object, but it was clear it did her no good against the demon who now had her by the collar of her shirt.

As soon as Valerie saw me she became frantic in grasping at Skelly's hand. "Hello again. Now, this time will go a little differently." I entwine my fingers together behind my back, holding my chin up. A posture I used often as Queen but it still had the desired air of superiority.

"What do you want from me?" Valerie asks, seeming much more terrified now than before. Probably because Skelly was a demon and didn't look very angelic like my freckled skin and bouncy hair. I'm probably less intimidating than the demon assassin is. Most definitely, actually. I was impressed.

"First, I want you to invite me in. Don't dally, because my friend there will take off finger by finger every minute if you do." I look at Onoskelis, who pulled out pliers from her pocket like she was already knowing she'd need them. Valerie straightened up when she saw them, and I could see her eye twitch. "Then, once all your fingers are gone, she'll go onto your toes. If you still refuse to let me in then she'll kill you, the boundary will fall, and I'll come in anyway. So, will we be doing this the hard way?"

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