20 Summoning

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Attached to the side/top is Rebekah being sassy af and the song Raise Hell by Dorothy.

I'm sitting and reading an interesting old book on Kronos and the creation of the Titons when Freya speaks, breaking the silence that had stretched on in the room. Bastian and the others had yet to come back, but no one seemed to worry.

"Cain is the name of a Demon." Her eyebrows furrow together, still scanning the pages of the book. "I didn't realize it but it's not the Sword's name. It is a demon's name." The witch sounded confused. And determined.

"Like an actual demon?" I put my hands on both sides of my temples and wiggle my fingers like they were horns. NiKlaus looks up from his own reading, looking from me to Freya with silent eyes.

"Apparently. That's why I've never encountered that magic. It's rare. Really, really rare." She explains. "The Mark can't be taken off, unless the demon who's made it wishes it so." Freya informs us, looking up.

It was just her, Nik and I in the room. Marcel had taken Hope upstairs awhile ago, and we'd been left to read. Which we clearly had stopped doing.

"Demons are real then?" I lower my hands, not really wanting to accidentally piss one off. Though, with my luck, I already have. "That phrase suddenly got alot more meaningful." I mutter to myself. Face a demon today...

"Could we do a locator spell on Cain then?" NiKlaus asks, as though the fact demons exist weren't surprising. Of course, he probably already had some precognitive ideas about that. "If that's Cain's Sword, then we have something of his."

"It doesn't work that way." Freya scolds, like she was talking to a child. One that had just learned to walk. I almost smiled at her big sisterly tone. The calm but annoyed voice.

"Then please, do inform us." NiKlaus answers, as impatient and sarcastic as ever.

"Technically, the sword belongs to Merida now. I can't track Cain with it." The original witch sounded bored. "Plus, this has been around longer than magic. Who's to say I could even track him. Who's to say he's alive?"

"Or on Earth." I chime in. The two of them look at me, fixing interested eyes upon my face. "Think about it." I lean forward. "If this demon thing is real, then Hell would be as well." I chuckled internally. That rhymed. Hell as well. "I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure we can't book a flight there." Freya groans, pushing her book away from her.

"This is useless."

"What about a seance?" I offer, only earning a look from Freya. "You're right, those are meant to communicate with the ancestors, not demons." I say before she can correct me.

"I'll call Elijah. He might have an idea." NiKlaus pulls out his phone. This reminds me that I still needed a new one. I make a mental note to get one.

There's a moment of silence and then we hear the phone dialing, ringing out but eventually it goes to voicemail. I frown. "Does he usually not answer?" I ask NiKlaus. Who looks at me with a set jaw and hooded eyes.

"Maybe he's found the girl." The hybrid muses. I stand up, grabbing the sword off the table and spin the hilt in my palm, the long bone blade slicing through the air.

"Or maybe, something's wrong." I look from Freya to NiKlaus. "Either way, the only way to find out is to go."

"I'll stay with Hope." Freya nods to her brother. Sky blue eyes meet mine.

"Ready to add to that star collection?" He asks, a dark glint to his eyes.

"I was born ready."


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