39 Samhain

436 16 1

Song: Castle- Halsey

"Think about what you're doing, Merida." Francis grabs my arm. I pull roughly out of his grasp, meeting his eyes.

"I'm going to rip the head off my ex-husband. I don't need to think." I scan the faces around me, realizing that the Hybrid had disappeared. As I realize he comes forth, and drops a head at my feet. I clench my jaw, recognizing the dark hair and agape jaw. The over expressive features now desiccated. "Aurora." I look up, tilting my head back to meet the Original's eyes.

"Don't threaten Camille again." There was something dark in his eyes as he said this. It wasn't a warning, it was a threat. If I did, I'd be trotting on a thin line. I get it. He loves her. That's why I did it. I clench my fists, my nails digging into the skin on my palms.

"Or what? You'll kill me?" I dare say, and then Klaus growls, low in his throat. "Is that the threat?" I challenge. "If it is, then go ahead." The room tenses, and I could hear Francis softly protest, and Elijah takes slow steps towards us, approaching two angry cats that were clearly about to unleash their claws. "You don't have the sword, and you never will." I bare my fangs, and Klaus doesn't flinch, even as I snap my teeth loudly. Clicking them together with a sadistic pleasure. "So go on. Do your worst." As soon as the words leave my mouth there's a fist that comes up, knocking me off my feet and backwards.

I don't hesitate. I get up, grabbing my jaw in my hand and shoving it back into place. It stung only slightly before subsiding. "It's not like you're any better." He spits, and his eyes glowed, the wolf and vampire inside the Original before me peaking through. "There's a shortage of White Oak." Klaus laughs. But I should be the one laughing. I brush the stake in my denim jacket with my fingertips.

This was it. The History between our families crumbled. Now, there was nothing to keep us from killing each other.

"No. Merida, don't." Francis sees my next moves. I crack my knuckles, my hand gripping the white oak in my jacket. "Zetrov is our problem, not Klaus." He reminds me. I take a deep breath, knowing that while I'm here bickering with my sire, Sebastian could be dying, or already dead. And Simon would be god-knows where. Well, God might not know, actually. Klaus didn't look away from me, and as much as I'd love to take my anger out on him, I knew I had bigger fish today to deal with.

So, I still get a reaction out of him. I pull the white Oak out, watching as his arrogant smirk turns into one of wariness. "Shortage of white oak?" I ask, holding up the stake. All around me I could feel the sudden hostile gazes of the Mikaelsons. "I've had this for centuries." I announce, because right now, the entire room's attention was trained on me. And most of them happen to be the vampires who could only be killed with this particular weapon. "Stole it from Mikael." My lip curls with the name, and Niklaus clenches his jaw, narrowing his eyes in the look I knew well.

Never had I received the look. But I knew it. He didn't want to have to kill me, but he would in a second if it meant keeping his family safe. But I was his family, and he'd never see that if I threatened anyone now. So this was my deciding point. Would I keep the stake, and have a cause for blackmail. And be targeted by hundreds of Klaus's enemies? Or would I give it up, and perhaps leave here tonight with more trust and respect that I came with?

Would I leave with a friend, or a foe? And this was the moment I had to decide that. It was more difficult than you'd think. If Mikael was brought back to life, again, this could be used to kill him. I could use it to protect myself against him. But I'd also be closely watched with vindictive eyes by the entire family, and quite frankly, I didn't want that.

I'd always been close with them. Did I want Elijah to hate me? To be on bad terms with Freya again? Kol to look at me with anything but adoration? No. So I drop the stake. It clatters onto the ground. Niklaus dropped that look of hostility, and now looked at me with something else. I couldn't read his expression. "Now." I fold my fingers behind me, resting them at my waist. I tilt my head back, and my chin up. "I have a husband to kill... again." I turn on my heels, and flick my curls behind me, leaving the silent compound behind me.

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