25 Hysterics

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Imagine him with like orange eyes and yeah there ya go. (His lips tho omfg) Attached song is Red Lips (Sam Bruno and Skrillex)

The metal medallion hummed against my chest, and it burned white hot, burning a hole through my white button up. I groan, unbuttoning it so that my shirt wouldn't be ruined. "Friends of yours?" I ask, looking at the demon in the dim light only my pendant provided. There's a nonchalant shrug.

"If they were after me that charm on your neck wouldn't be buzzing."

"'Buzzing'? It's not a bloody bumble bee." I snap, and there's a light touch on my arm. I could feel the cold through my coat.

"I know you're here because you want me to take off the Mark, but I can assure you," Cain whispers, as red lights pop up around us, flashing. He didn't seem the least bit worried his mansion was under some sort of invasion. "The only way that Mark is coming off your arm, is if you're dead."

"Thanks for candy coating it." I grit through my teeth the sarcasm lost on him, sending my foot crashing down onto the wooden table. Blood fills the air as the wine glass shatters on the floor. I break the wood legs, tossing one to Cain. He doesn't catch it, but lets it fall to the floor and look at me with an amused expression. Well, so I figured it was amused. It was difficult to read the emotions of demons, if they had any.

"I've no use for stakes." He shrugs. "I dare a vampire to attempt to kill me."

"You're more arrogant than Niklaus." I mutter, marching off into the dark, the red flashing lights were met with warning bells and for a moment I was under the impression this was a prison. I don't bother looking to see if the demon followed me. There was a sinking instinctual feeling that I'd have to kill my way out of here. Through the flashing lights, I make my way to the front door that I had passed by. It was open, the double doors letting the cool Venice sunlight streak through and carried the breeze with it.

And I'm knocked off my feet. I hit the ground hard. The breath driving from my lungs and I gasp as someone crouches over me, pressing a stake hard into my chest. They had a triumphant smirk on their face, like bragging. 'I killed Merida!' Instead of dedicating, I bring my legs up kicking him off me and sending him flying against the wall. I stand up, wrapping my hand around the stake in my chest and pull it free, licking my lips. "Do your homework before taking the test." I tell him, in a cooing instructional voice.

His jaw was open so wide I was sure it was dislocated, and when he went to get up there was a sickening crack of his spine. It was easy to test his strength, and know he was a vampire. "You- you can't be alive." He was in dismay that I was alive. I twirl the stake in my hand that was previously in my chest.

"I'm too strong willed to be killed by the likes of someone like you." I pause a moment. "Look at me, I'm a poet." Then throw the stake, and it buries itself in his chest. He gurgles, then his skin turns the ashy color of desiccation.

"You're hot when you're drenched in blood." A smooth voice admires, and I send a scowl at Cain, touching my chest where the wound was healing and my heart beat strong. My white shirt was now stained a carmine color, and when the blood dried it'd be darker. I knew I should've worn black. "There's more where he came from." The demon gestures to the dead vampire, then looks at the daylight and squints like the brightness of it hurt his eyes.

"Don't go anywhere." I order, the whites of my eyes turning red. "I'm not through with you."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He replies, and I clench my jaw at his comment but ignore it swiftly. I needed him to remove the Mark. Though I may as well kill him now, as I had a suspicion he had no intentions of taking the Mark from my arm. I catch his gaze, and his eyes burned into mine. Like he could tell what I was thinking. I set my shoulders, turning away, heading towards the red flashing lights, leading away into the halls.

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