Chapter 13: Book 2

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It was cold, dark, and humid. Your breath could be seen. It was dead quiet and your chest felt heavy.

Your eyes started to crack open, groaning from the pain in your head. You awoke to see a plain basement, and that you were bound down to one of the wooden supports. You quickly scream out, shaking around frantically.

Your hands were tightly tied around the wooden support. You clenched your teeth together in anger.

"What the hell! Senpai! Yukino! Please help!", you said, beginning to break down. You suddenly hear the basement door slam.

You look up to see a person walking down the stairs with a tray. You heart stops, your eyes widened.

"May! May why!?", you yell, your throat becoming sore. She smirks and tilts her head devilishly.

"My my~ You had awoke quicker than I anticipated.", she says putting the tray down on the floor. Tears start to fall down your face, and you quickly try to get out of your restraints.

"It's no use~ Don't even try.", she says, her voice suddenly becoming cold. Your bottom lip quivers from fear, your heart pounding out of your chest.

"Please... May, why are you doing this..?", you said, trying to be soft. She looks at you with dull eyes, the ends of her mouth curling up into a smile.

"I love Senpai..but your in the way of my happy ending..", she says as she moves her hair behind her ear.

"And it's finally my time to return the favor [y/n]-chan~ ", May says, her maniacal laughter filling the room.

Your blood goes cold, nervous sweat runs down your face.

"..Wait, I've foreseen this moment before.. No way.."

You drop your head with a hopeless feeling in your heart. You close your eyes, and think of all the moments you had with everyone.

"I'm sorry.", you mumble, tears hitting the floor. May stops smiling at looks at you in shock.

"I'm so sorry..", you whisper, starting to laugh. She steps back, and looks at you in confusion.

"What?", she scolds, looking at you nervously.

"I'm sorry, because I know Senpai and Yukino are looking for me right now..and when they find me, horrible things will happen to you..", you said as you let out a loud, scary laugh. 


A knock on the door was heard, and you instantly smirk. May starts to shake, glaring at you in fear.

"N-no, they don't have any idea your hear..!", she screams. You tilt your head, and stare at her with empty eyes.

The door suddenly falls to the floor, and two men came running in panting.

Yukino, his eyes full of hatred, here to get the job done.

Senpai, unable to watch this killing.

"G-guys help!", you said with a smile, your tears falling down with happiness. Yukino looks at you, quickly falling down to his knees to untie you.

"Senpai please..", May cries, getting to the floor and apologizing.

When you were untied, you looked to Yukino. Yukino pulls out a large knife, about to walk forward.

"Remember that request you asked of me brother? I will now take care of it!", Yukino says, laughing loudly.

"Senpai asked Yukino to kill May instead?!"

And so, you quickly stood back, unable to watch.



The next chapter will be the true ending, so I'm pretty excited. Then after that chapter, I will post the Yukino ending~.. and so on.

Hope you enjoyed!

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