Two Months Later

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Serena's POV

I'd just had a bath when I smelt new scents on the air and run away from Helen. She called after me, but I ignored her wanting to know what was making the strange smells. I soon reach the court yard where Lindir was talking to an old man in grey robes. I also notice a bunch of small people with beards and one without and he smelt the friendliest. I run to him and put my front paws on his legs whining for attention.

"Oh hello little one, what's your name?" he asks bending down and patting me gently. I wag my tail happily as I let out a little bark. Then I smell Grandpa (Lord Elrond) return with his guards. The small man picked me up as the horses surround us and I lick his cheek in thanks. Mama and Grandpa always told me not to reveal my ability to strangers.

Grandpa greeted the old man before turning to the small men huddled around me and the nice one holding me. "Welcome Thorin son of Thrain" he addresses the alpha member of the group.

"I do not believe we've meet" Thorin states.

"I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain" Grandpa tells him.

"Really he never mentioned you" Thorin states. Grandpa turned to speak to Lindir when Helen appeared calling my name. I knew I was in trouble and tucked my tail between my legs whining.

"Serena come here now" Grandpa orders looking at the group I was hidden by. The nice man holding me looked down at me and I nod my head. He placed me down and I walked through the legs of the company. Before sitting in front of Grandpa giving him an innocent look. "What have Arwen and I told you about running away from Helen?" he asks.

'Not to, but I smelt new strange scents and wanted to know what they were from' I tell him telepathically. 'Please don't tell Mama' I whine.

"If you go with Helen now and behave, you may come to dinner" he tells me. Agreeing I went went over to Helen who picked me up and took me back to her room. Where she brushed my fur before placing a new collar on me. She then sent me on my way and I followed Grandpa's scent to one of the dining court yards.

I jumped onto Grandpa's lap before jumping onto the table. "Serena how many times do I have to tell you not to jump onto the table?" he asks trying to be angry. But I gave him puppy dog eyes wagging my tail. "I can never stay angry at you" he grumbles patting me.

"Why do you have a wolf?" Thorin asks and I turn to him glaring. "Is it glaring at me?" he asks shocked. I smirked turning away from him.

"Yes she was and she is my daughter's companion" Grandpa explains. "But she was to young to accompany my daughter to Lothlorien. So was left in mine and Helen's care" he explains. "She is a special wolf pup and her name is Serena" he adds. "Now Serena, why don't you go say hello to Bilbo" he tells me pointing to the nice small man.

I barked happily before running across the table to Bilbo before jumping into his lap. "Oh hello again little one" he chuckles patting me.

"Whose your new friend Bilbo?" an old little person asks.

"I believe her name was Serena" Bilbo states and I bark happily wagging my tail.

"Well Serena, my name is Balin and I'm a dwarf" the man says holding a hand out. I sniffed it before licking it and allowed me to pat him. "Well you're friendly aren't you" he says chuckling. He then points all the other dwarves out telling me their names. Lindir then called me over holding a bowl of meat and a bowl of water for me.

I jumped off Bilbo's lap and run to Lindir before sitting down. I was taught to always sit and wait for my meal. Lindir placed the bowls down signaled that I could eat as the music started. The dwarves didn't seem to like and Bofur did his own song. At the end of which the others through food around and I jumped catching some mashed potato.

But ruining my fur and I knew Helen won't be happy as she just gave me a bath not long ago. I licked my jaw trying to hide the mess. "Serena, you just had a bath" Grandpa tells me. "Go to Helen, it's time you went to bed anyway" he states and I leave after having a pat goodbye from both Balin & Bilbo.

That was the last time I saw the dwarves and Bilbo Baggins. My uncles and Mama returned home shortly after the company left. Gandalf appeared every now and again to help me control my powers. Yes powers, apparently I'm a spirit wolf and destined to bring balance back to Middle Earth. But I just wanted to be a normal wolf just like Papa (Aragorn) wants to be a normal man. However, I know we can't fight our destinies.


Picture above of Serena now and picture on the external link of her collar.

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