Helms Deep

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Serena's POV

News spread that papa was alive and had reached Helms Deep. Legolas came to find me where I was moaning over mama's necklace. I carry it as we run to see Papa. "Le abdollen" Legolas tells him as we run into him. (Translation: you're late).

"You look terrible" I tell him. Papa laughs placing a hand on Legolas' shoulder patting my head fondly. I place mama's necklace in his hand licking it.

"Hannon le" he tells me and we head off to see the king. (Translation: thank you). Théoden is sitting inside, and Papa pushes the doors open and enters. He tells Théoden what he saw before he came here. Ten thousand orcs were heading this way from Isengard. "It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall" dad states.

"Let them come" Théoden states. Théoden walks outside, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and I following him."I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms, to be ready for battle by nightfall.We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg" he tells his men.

"This is no rabble of mindless orcs" I tell him.

"These are Uruk-hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad" Gimli explains.

"I have fought many wars, Wolf and Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep" Théoden assures us."They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn, we've seen it before. Crops can be resown. Homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them" he states confidently.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people" Papa tells him.

"Down to the last child!" I add.

"What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" Théoden tells us. Papa tells him to send out riders, but Théoden refuses saying we're alone. Before ordering that the women and children be taken to the caves.

(That night)

Legolas and Papa had a disagreement as they prepared for battle. Papa made me wear my armor and Legolas came to apologize. Just as an elf horn is sound. We run to see who had come. Turns out Haldir had come with Lothlorien soldiers to help defend Helms Deep. (Serena's armor and Mithril shirt: https://cdn.globalauctionplatform.com/5a9518b5-c54d-4520-9395-a44a00c049c2/dc172ffc-dc6b-4c3a-9e5f-3db0c4cccaf9/540x360.jpg / https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1y_D6HFXXXXciXpXXq6xXFXXXw/316L-stainless-steel-Dog-Protection-Pet-products-dog-anti-bite-cut-resistant-steel-dog-training-vest.jpg).

I stand beside Legolas as we wait for the enemy to arrive. With the men and elves beside us. Saruman's army slowly approaches, shouting and rumbling as I growl."Argh. You could have picked a better spot" Gimli complains. I roll my eyes as I lay on the railing watching the approaching army. "Well lad, the luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night" he tells Papa.

There is lightning and a rumble of thunder. "Your friends are with you, Aragorn" Legolas tells him. It starts to rain and grumble. Papa tells the elves to show no mercy as we'd receive none.The Uruk-hai stop, Papa walks forward and looks down at the huge army.

"What's happening?" Gimli asks.

"Shall I describe it to you?" I ask him smirking.

"Or should I get you a box?" Legolas asks and I giggle as Gimli laughs.The Uruks pound their spears and roar. The men and elves in the fortress ready their weapons. I stand up baring my teeth as a surge of power starts to build up inside me. The army charges and I leap off the wall as the men & elves fire arrows. I turn into my true spirit wolf form.

Lighting strikes me and I redirect it at the Uruk-hai

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Lighting strikes me and I redirect it at the Uruk-hai. Many Uruks fall dead and the Uruks shoot arrows back. A dead elf falls from the wall and the Uruks put up ladders. I use the power of wind to knock some down as I fly over.The Uruk-hai climb the remaining ladders and fighting follows. As I fly by tackling a few off of a ladder I hear Legolas and Gimli having another killing contest and roll my eyes. More ladders raise as I knock a few more down.

I soon notice a big Uruk-hai carrying a torch towards the drain pipe. 'Papa, uruk-hai with a torch one o'clock' I tell him. He then tells Legolas to shot him down as I continue to destroy catapults with lighting strikes. But Legolas fails to kill the uruk-hai and alarge part of the wall explodes.

Huge boulders fly through the air. Aragorn lies on the ground, unconscious. Saruman's army starts to crowd through the hole in the wall. At the gates, the Uruks try to break through. I swoop down to wake my father and heal him slightly so he could continue to fight. He stands as the uruks run towards us and I snarl.Gimli sees this and jumps down from the wall, landing in a pool. He hacks the attacking Uruks.

"Gimli, Serena prepare to charge!" Papa tells us. Arrows hurl pass us at the uruks and papa yells "charge!" I run beside him and tackle two uruks at once. I then see Legolas take a shield from the ground and rides down the stairs on it, shooting arrows at the Uruks.

'Show off' I tell him as I continue to fight.

"Says the girl who was shooting lighting bolts from the sky" he states and I laugh.The Uruks continue flowing in from the hole in the wall, but they are met by men and elves and a dwarf. Legolas and I join the fight.

We're soon told to pull back to the keep and I fly to the door. I make sure everyone got through before following. Papa and Theoden are trying to decide what to do next as I return to normal wolf form. Legolas sees this and gives me Lembas bread and some water. I give him a grateful smile.

It was decided we'd ride out as the sun began to raise. Gimli goes to sound the horn and blows it as the doors break in."Forð Eorlingas!" Theoden shouts.The King rides out with Papa, Legolas and his men by his side. They fight as Gimli blows the horn while I watch his back.

I watch the men fight down the causeway into the Uruk army. Papa stops suddenly and looks up, I follow his eyes. To see Gandalf on the back of Shadowfax on top of the hill. Eomer appears beside him with the rest of the Rohirrim. They all charge into battle and drive the uruks back to the trees. But stop as the trees deal with uruks and I howl to our victory.

Gimli and I head down to the ground to wait for Legolas. "Final count forty-two" he states when he appears.

"Fourty-two?! That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling" Gimli tells him. "I myself am sitting pretty on fourty-three" he declares.Legolas frowns drawing his bow and shoots Gimli's Uruk.

"Forty-three" he states.

"He was already dead" Gimli tells him.

"He was twitching" Legolas states shrugging.

"He was twitching because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system" Gimli explains. Hewiggles the axe handle, making the Uruk twitch.

"Boys no need to fight" I tell them and they look at me. "Because I won, sixty-two. Without my powers" I state. They groan in defeat and we enter the hall together.


Gif above of the stand off before the battle of Helms Deep. Picture in chapter of Serena in Spirit Wolf form.

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