Saving Frodo

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Serena's POV

It's been sixty years since Bilbo has been here with the dwarves. He just recently returned and has been focused on finishing his book. But he told me the story when he arrived and about his nephew Frodo. I have never left Rivendell, except for that one time Arwen took me to Lothlorien with her fifteen years ago. There I meet Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, my great grandparents and Arwen's grandparents. I know we aren't the same species, but Arwen raised me. So that makes her my mother in my eyes and her family my family/pack.

I was being one with an old oak tree in a courtyard when I heard Naneth (Arwen) calling my name. (Translation: Mother). "Serena come out, Aragorn needs our help" she states. I exist the tree as she enters the court yard. "It still amazes me how you don't get splinters doing that" she states shaking her head.

'I just became one with the tree Naneth, what's wrong with Ada?' I ask her. (Translations: Mother Father).

"He should have returned by now, so I am taking Asfaloth out to go look for him and the hobbit" she explains.

'Hobbit, any relation to Mister Baggins?' I ask her as we head towards the stables.

"Yes, it's actually his nephew Frodo Baggins" she states. "Now will you help me find Aragorn?' she asks as we enter the stables.

'Of course, he's family and family means no one gets left behind' I remind her smiling. She smiles back as she mounts Asfaloth. Telling me to lead the way and I run in the direction towards Bree. Ada told me he'd come by Weather top on the way back with the hobbit. So I headed that way trying to catch his scent with Arwen behind me.

(Two Day's Later) Still Serena's POV

It's been two long days of tracking with hardly any rest and avoiding ring wraiths. When we finally found Ada (Aragorn) picking some Kings-foil leaves. Naneth held her sword to his throat saying "what's this? A ranger caught off his guard?" she asks smiling.

"Arwen, Serena" he sighs and I lick his cheek in greeting as Naneth puts her sword away. He then lead us to four hobbits one of which is very sick as he explains the situation. I sense a great darkness in him as Aragorn puts the kings-foil on the wound.

"Frodo, Ni am Arwen ni've túl ana help" Naneth tells him in elvish. (Translation: I am Arwen I've come to help.) "Lar- mime óma túl at- minna i kal"she tells him gently. (Translation: hear my voice come back into the light.)

"She's an elf" the short round hobbit states.

"He fades" Naneth tells Ada in the common tongue. "Serena, is there anything you can do?" she asks me.

'I can try Naneth, but I can't heal him completely. Just buy him more time so we can get him to Grandpa' I tell her. Then I lean over the open wound and breath some life back into Frodo.

"We must get him to my father" Naneth states and Ada picks Frodo up placing him Asfaloth's saddle. "We've been searching for you for two days. There are five wraith behind you, where the other four are we do not know" she explains. Meanwhile the other hobbits were asking where she was taking their friend.

"Getting slow in your old age?" Ada asks me and I growl gently.

'The smell orcs and evil fills the air, sorry it took longer then usual to find you' I grumble in his head.

"Termáre- as i hobbits, ni'll send horses" Ada tells Naneth. (Translations: Stay with the hobbits, I'll send horses.) I tune out their conversion looking at the other hobbits.

'It'll be ok little ones, he's going to make it' I assure them in their minds.

"Who said that?" the youngest one asks looking around.

'Me, do not be afraid. Your friend is in safe hands with me and my Naneth' I tell him when his looking at me. He looks shocked but I turn away as Naneth calls me. Ada pats me goodbye telling me to watch Naneth's back. I then take off after Naneth and it was only when the sun had risen and we'd reached the plains that the wraith appeared.

Whenever the horses got to close I snapped at their legs or necks scaring them away. As the river came into view I pushed myself to run faster and Naneth pushed Asfaloth to gallop faster. We stopped after crossing the river to look at the wraith, that did not enter the water.

"Give us the halfling she-elf" one of them told Naneth.

"If you want him come and claim him" Naneth tells them drawing her sword. I get in a defensive position growling as the wraiths draw their swords entering the water. Once they were all in the water mother summoned the power of her people to protect us. A huge wave of water shaped like horses charged the wraiths down and swept them away.

"Serena go get father now" she tells me and I see Frodo fading again. I was tired, but run full out towards Rivendell before following grandpa's scent to his study. I scratched at the door whining and he opens it. Before he can say anything I grab his sleeve and start dragging him to the stables.

"What is wrong Serena?" he asks once we reached the stables.

'Frodo poisoned, need healing now' I tell him and he nods his head. He gets onto his horse without a saddle or bridle and I lead him to Naneth. Once there he stabilizers Frodo before bringing him to the healing room for proper treatment. While Naneth sent horses for Ada and the other three hobbits.

"You did good Serena" she tells me smiling and I wag my tail happily. "You can rest now" she tells me patting my head. I just collapse there and close my eyes falling asleep hearing her laugh at my behavior.


Video above of the Ring Wraiths chasing Arwen and picture of Serena above.

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