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Serena's POV

We arrived at the encampment and father is speaking to Theoden. While I am with Legolas and Gimli by the horses. The horses suddenly rear up feeling uneasy and I knew their feeling. I to am nervous in the shadow of this mountain. "The horses are restless, and the men are quiet" Legolas says.

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain" Eomer tells him.

'I to feel wary of the mountain' I tell them.

"That road there, where does that lead?" Gimli asks.

"It is the road to the Dimholt; the door under the the mountain" Legolas answers.

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil" Eomer states. I notice father looking at it and approach him.

'Ada, I'm hungry and tired' I tell him as I lean on his leg.

"Come Aragorn, Serena lets find some food" Gimli says. Father nods his head and we follow Gimli. After some food and go to Theoden's tent. No matter how much I hide it, I am weaker now. I don't have the strength to return to papa and my tent. Theoden says we are always welcome in his tent. So I lay on the furs and fall asleep.

(Night time)

I awoke to someone stroking my fur humming a elf tune. 'Grandpa' I say as hum with him.

"It's affecting you more then I thought it would" he states.

'I will be ok' I tell him. I notice Theoden in the tent and sit up. Grandpa sits on a chair and I sit beside him resting my head on his lap. 'Are you here to see Ada?' I ask and he nods his head. Just then Ada enters the tent.

"I take my leave" Theoden says before leaving the tent. I raise my head allowing grandpa to stand and he removes his hood.

"My lord, Elrond" Ada says bowing on my knee.

"I come on behalf of one whom I love" Grandpa tells him."Arwen is dying. She will not long survive the evil that now spreads from Mordor, nor will Serena without her. The light of the Evenstar is failing. As Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes as does Serena's. Arwen and Serena's lives are now tied to the fate of the Ring. The shadow is upon us, Aragorn. The end has come" he explains.

"It will not be our end but His" Ada tells him.

'We ride to war, not victory Ada' I tell him.

"Sauron's armies march on Minas Tirith, as you know, but in secret. He sends another force, which will attack from the river. A fleet of Corsair ships sails from the South. They'll be in the city in two days" Grandpa explains.

'We are out numbered Ada and need more men' I state.

"But there are none" he tells us.

"There are those who... dwell in the mountain" Grandpa states.

"Murderers! Traitors! You would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing! They answer to no one" Ada exclaims.

"They'll answer to the King of Gondor" we tell him. As Grandpa reveal a sword. "Andúril... Flame of the West. Forged from the shards of Narsil" we explain. Ada takes the sword and draws it.

"Sauron will not have forgotten the Sword of Elendil.The blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith" he states. Making me smile. He is finally starting to accept his destiny as I have.

"The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the ranger. Become who you were born to be. Take the Dimholt road" Grandpa tells Ada. "Serena you have two choices" he tells me.

'Which are?' I ask as Ada leaves to prepare his horse.

"Return with me to Rivendell to die or survive with Arwen. Or to follow Aragorn on the Dimholt road. You are very weak and cannot transform or use your full power. You'd only fight as a common wolf" he tells me.

'I will stay, that is my destiny' I tell him.

"I pray you find love and survive" he tells me. "Know this Sauron has a Jinn on his side, you will face him soon. If you have not found love by then he will kill you" he states. "That will only endanger Arwen further" he says.

'I will not fail' I tell him before leaving the tent. I find Ada with Legolas and Gimli. 'I am going also' I tell them.

"You should stay here and rest" Legolas tells me.

'It is my duty to ensure the future of this land is a good one. So I will follow Ada everywhere as he is the one who will help us win this war. I do not fear death' I state and begin down the Dimholt road. The others follow me.


Picture above of encampment at Dunharrow and picture on the external link of Aragorn examining his new sword. Jinn - an evil spirit that can look like a human or an animal and that uses its special powers to influence people.

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