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Needless to say, the group made a mess. Madeline somehow managed to get spaghetti up her nose, and Thomas got sauce behind his ear. All but Andy were relatively unashamed of their actions. J and Tom looked like the cat that got the canary, and Mad and Frost both seemed to think nothing of the entire ordeal. With that said, it took a whole hell of a lot of wet paper towels to clean them and the kitchen of the spaghetti mess.

Andy cleaned himself off quickly and then pulled Madeline aside and cleaned her the best he could with a paper towel.

"You need a bath," he sighed.

"That reminds me," J drawled suddenly from where he was resting against the island, face clean.

Andy and Tom both turned to look at their boss, while Maddie happily ran off up the stairs. Johnny was already off doing something of importance to his boss, so the two men were left alone with the monster.

"What with the whole... situation we have here, I need someone to look after the girl that I can trust—or at least know that they won't screw up as bad as Phil. And seeing as who you two are, it only made sense for me to think of you," Joker explained, grinning lecherously. Meanwhile the goons gulped at the mention of Phil the pervert, who was chained up in the dungeon somewhere to be used in J's demented torture games.

"O-Of course, sir," Andy stuttered out.

"Just, uh, a few things. You gotta make sure that she stays alive and out of my way when I'm not training her. Other than that, I don't care. Ooh, except, if you want to have sex or something, at least make sure the kid's asleep first. If anyone wants to get shot I'll be in my office," he smiled, laughing hysterically as he left the two men gaping at what he just said.

"Did he just make us her nannies because we're gay?" Andrew asked incredulously.

"Certainly seems that way," Thomas replied breathily. "But hey, look on the bright side, now we definitely won't do anything illegal. We're just babysitters now."

Andy shot a pointed look at his boyfriend before shaking his head and going upstairs to find their charge so that they could give her a much needed bath.

"What?" Tom demanded as he ran upstairs after him.

"You're such a twit, you know that?" Andy asked as Tom caught up.

"But you love it," Tommy smirked.

"No, but I love you. Now this could get messier than what put us here in the first place. You round up Maddie, I'll get the bath ready," Andy ordered.

"Yes sir!" Thomas saluted, running off. He began a search for the pasta-covered girl and soon discovered that she was smarter than they'd previously thought. She had no intention of taking a bath anytime soon.

This was proven when Tommy casually entered her room. He was rapidly hit with the stuffed animals from her bed and a bucket of glitter was dumped on his head. Where did she even find all of this glitter? Curse you Frost for decking out her craft station!

Tommy quickly took cover behind the tea table from earlier, flipping it on its side to provide better cover from Madeline's assault.

"Maddie! Stop! Calm down it's just a bath!" Tom shouted over the thudding noises of stuffed animals and toys hitting the table.

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