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When Bruce got the frantic call from Jim Gordon, he wasn't Batman. In fact, he was hosting a benefit.

But of course when the Commissioner called and told him that Joker was spotted with the girl—Madeline—he found a way to slip out and get to the Batcave for a quick change.

And of course Jim had no idea that he was stealing Bruce Wayne away from his charity benefit—all he knew was that he was calling the number that Batman had given him (which, you understand was not Bruce's normal cellphone—he just kept his Batphone on hand).

"Cover for me," Bruce had ordered Alfred as he left. "Joker has been spotted with the girl. This could be my last chance to rescue her."

Bruce didn't give his butler a chance to respond before he raced off and became his alternate persona: the Batman.

He received another call from Jim, which he put on his car's speakerphone.

"The girl is acting as a human shield for Joker. They're in a standoff in front of a small shop on Sixth."

"Keep them there a little bit longer," Batman ordered. "Stall them. But don't shoot with the girl there. If it comes down to it, let them get in the car and tail them."

"Will do. But now the girl is making threats for Joker. She says that backup will arrive soon."

"Tell your men to stand down," Batman growled. "I'm close enough now that I can catch up."

And catch up he did. He flew down side streets until finally he turned onto a road and found himself following the iconic Lamborghini.

Joker's shots at his car did no damage. They simply sparked off of the car. Batman was able to easily remain on track with the Joker's erratic movements what with the mobility of the Batmobile.

Eventually Joker began driving more and more dangerously, weaving in and out of traffic and making crazy turns.

This is getting too dangerous for the girl.

The best Bruce could hope for from this chase was a confrontation or a crash, neither of which bode well for Madeline. But, if he knew where Joker was keeping the girl, he could come in and catch him off guard.

At this point, the police had long lost the racing enemies. That left Batman and Joker. Performing the same dance that they always did, and would always do, until one of them gives up or dies. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme—Joker and Batman.

If I could just get close enough...

The Batmobile pulled forward, nearing the Lambo's back bumper. Wait a second, is he... turn signaling?

Batman watched in shock as the left turn signal lit up and Joker turned left. Never mind. I don't want to know.

Bruce did his best to ignore Joker's strange behavior as he got closer and closer, close enough to finally—yes! Bruce hit the firing button. The tracker was in place.

Just in time, Joker signaled one way and then made a U-turn in the opposite direction, allowing Batman to fake a fumble and slowly back off.

"Did you get him?" Jim suddenly asked through the speaker.

"No, I let him get away," Bruce replied coolly.

"You what?! Why?"

"Keeping up the chase was only going to harm the girl. I managed to get a tracker on his vehicle, so he should lead us straight to his hideout and we can strategically plan out a raid," he explained to the police commissioner.

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