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Time seemed to move in slow motion as the Joker was escorted down the dingy halls of Arkham. He had woken from his induced slumber and was thrashing the entire way to his cell.

Riddler stood up from his bed as he heard the maniac approaching. He was still screaming Madeline's name, demanding that they give her back to him. A grim smile spread across Riddler's face as he heard the cries of the broken clown.

When Joker finally reached Riddler's cell, he managed to slip from one guard's hand, freeing his arm, which he immediately used to elbow at his carriers. As quick hits landed, their grips loosened, allowing Joker to wiggle free and continue his attacks, though his hands were still cuffed in front of him.

Riddler broke into maniacal laughter at the sight, unable to tear his eyes from the further deranged clown. Joker whipped his head around and charged at his recent enemy, snatching his lapels through the bars and pulling him up against them.

"Batman took Madeline, you fucknugget!" He yelled.

"And it's all your fault," Riddler smiled knowingly.

Joker stepped back in realization, and it was in that moment that the guards tackled him to the floor.

Riddler watched in glee as the guards beat on Joker and the madman just laid there, taking their hits.

Eddy's right. It is all my fault.


Maddie slowly blinked awake, and for a moment she was calm. It didn't take long after that for her to see that the canopy above her was brown. Her canopy was princess pink.

This is not my room.

And she panicked, sitting straight up in the bed that wasn't hers. Maddie's eyes flicked about the room, taking in all of the details of the strange place.

Then she remembered what had happened at the mansion. Batman had broken into the mansion. Daddy had tried to save her, but the policemen had tackled him, leaving her alone to fight the Bat. After she tried to fight him off, she'd felt a prick in her neck before everything went black.

The Bat had kidnapped her! But where is he now? Where am I? Where's Daddy? Is he here too? I have to save him!

Madeline climbed out of the massive bed with new resolve, determined to find her daddy and save him from the mean Bat. She noticed that she was still wearing the sundress from earlier. Was all that earlier today? Or is it Saturday now?

Disregarding her lack of a concept of time, Madeline approached the large door and reached up for the handle, which she slowly turned, pulling the door open towards herself. She cautiously peeked out into the hallway, checking it for the Bat.

When she saw nothing, she stepped out, looking left and right to figure out which way she should go. After deliberating for a moment, Madeline finally decided to go to the right, as she thought that she could see the beginnings of a staircase in that direction.

Sure enough, at the end of the hallway was a grand staircase. Madeline froze at the top. Andy and Tommy always said not to go downstairs by myself.

She gazed down uncertainly at the daunting stairs. But nobody's here to help me. I'll have to help myself.

Maddie took hold of the railing and put her foot down onto the top step. After a deep breath, she followed with her other foot and descended.

She found herself in a foyer similar to that of the mansion. This Batman guy must be loaded.

Madeline turned, taking it all in, when she noticed the front door. A way out! But I have to find Daddy first.

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