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"Wake-y wake-y eggs and bac-y!" Joker shouted into the sleeping girl's room. "Actually, I lied. There's no eggs or bacon. Unless of course I force Frost or some other goon to make some."

Maddie stirred in her bed, groaning and rolling over. "Don't wanna get up," she grumbled.

"Well too bad short stuff, we've got things to do today," J retorted. Maddie just moaned and buried herself in the covers.

"Young lady, you better get up this instant or I swear—" he threatened.

"Stop talking. You're too loud and I'm trying to sleep," Maddie shouted, frustrated.

"Well excuse me, Sleeping Beauty. I guess I'll come back later," J snorted.

"Good," she muttered, nestling further into her blankets. J growled lowly, against having this girl disobey his direct orders.

"Little missy, I'll give you to the count of five to get up or I'm whooping your ass," Joker warned.

Madeline made no efforts to move.

"One. Two. Three," Joker started confidently, but slowed as he saw that she wasn't getting up. "Four. Four and a half. Four and three-quarters. Four and seven-eighths. A number closer to five. Five."

Maddie hadn't moved an inch. In fact, her light snoring would indicate that she'd fallen back asleep. J didn't quite know what to do. No one had ever really called his bluff before on his threats. They immediately jumped up and did whatever he wanted when he started yelling and making threats. Well maybe I should follow through and teach her a lesson she won't soon forget.

But if you do that, she'll cry again and won't do anything you want. She'll throw a little temper tantrum. That's just how they work.

J groaned, realizing that the voices were right. If he disciplined her too harshly, there was no telling how she'd respond, and he didn't think he could stand to listen to her whining and crying again.

"Listen here, punk. If you don't get up right now, you're not getting any breakfast," Joker stated.

"Fine," Madeline muttered, stirring again.

"I'll take away your toys," J threatened.

"Whatever," she groaned.

J was beyond exasperated at this point. All he wanted to do was scream and tear his bright hair out, and maybe get some training in for Maddie.

"What is it gonna take to get you up?" He demanded loudly.

Madeline cautiously opened an eye at this. She slowly turned to face him, a thoughtful look on her face. What do I want? She asked herself. It came to her very suddenly just what she wanted.

"I want Mr. Frosty to get the Disney Princess movies for me and I want you to watch them with me," she babbled quickly.

"I'll get you whatever movies you fucking want, but there is no way in hell that I am watching any Disney shit," J protested.

"Then I guess I'm not getting up yet," Maddie sighed, flopping back onto her pillow again.

No. No fucking way. I have to draw the line here. I'm yanking her ungrateful ass out of that bed and dragging her screaming to the training room in her pjs if I have to.

You can't. You don't want to screw it up already, do you? You already gave Ed your territory for this girl.

That territory was shit and you know it. Plus I'm not giving it to him whole anyways.

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