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Joker made it a point to have all of his men in the parking lot or manning the parking lot gates by five am, before any visitors or buses would be arriving. He'd only taken full control of the Magic Kingdom as he assumed it'd be where Madeline would want to spend her time anyway. So while he had full physical control of the Magic Kingdom, shutting the vehicle entrances and visitor gates to outsiders, he had cyber control of the rest of the parks, so if he wanted he could cut off communication between parks and freeze everything via the servers. The point is, Disney was his fort for the day, and he didn't intend to be overthrown or sieged.

Madeline woke up at six am due to her long nap in the car the previous day. She was almost upset until she noticed her surroundings. They were in a hotel. Which meant that they had arrived and she was going to go to Disney World. She was going to see Cinderella's castle and meet Mickey and Minnie and ride all the fun and wonderful rides that she'd been dreaming about ever since she'd seen the sparkling castle in the opening scene of her first Disney film.

This was her dream come true, and all because of her daddy. She'd already forgiven him for hitting her, just like she'd forgive her old daddy after each time he hit her. She knew that she had disappointed him and caused him to look silly, so she accepted it as her consequence for betraying the only man who'd ever given her anything worthwhile, like her own room, and the toys and training and learning that she so valued.

She'd thrown his generosity back in his face by refusing to shoot that man, and Maddie was still ashamed to think that if he should ask her to shoot again, she still wouldn't. She had no right to take away someone else's daddy or sister or brother or baby when she knew how it felt to be alone and how much she loved her own daddy, despite all his flaws and how he frightened her so much when he was angry. Joker was still her daddy, and she wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

So when she woke up in a hotel room with Andy and Tommy, she couldn't help but be excited, overjoyed, at the prospect of spending a day in Disney World with her daddy. Even if he had hit her. Even if he might again.

Feeling bad for screaming in the car ride and annoying her caregivers, Maddie graciously chose not to wake up their peacefully sleeping bodies. She instead got up out of her spot between them in the bed and went over to her little suitcase, quietly unzipping it to pick an outfit for the day.

She chose her sparkling blue Cinderella dress so that she could wear it when meeting the famous princess who was not so unlike her. They were both low and poor maidens swooped out of their dirty lives by a prince and taken to live in his lush castle. Except her prince was her daddy and he killed people.

Madeline hummed Cinderella's song under her breath as she changed into the dress, for the first time feeling like an actual princess.

That was when Joker came knocking at the door.

6:30 is a reasonable wake up time, right?

Now you wanna talk about what's reasonable?

Maddie jumped at the sound of knocking and hurried to zip up the back of the dress, darting towards the door so she could open it, not tall enough to see through the peephole but just naive enough to not be concerned about the possibility of it being a stranger.

It swung back to reveal her father dressed up in a fine black and white tuxedo, smiling down at his charge dashingly.

"While I'm glad you're up, princess, I'd rather you didn't answer the door when you don't know who's behind it," Joker growled between clenched teeth.

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