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"Wow, so we're really gonna live the suburban life, huh?" Tommy asked as he stared at their Wayne-bought house from the neighborhood street.

"Like Gotham has a suburban life," Andy scoffed back.

"You know what I mean," Tommy replied, rolling his eyes. "Neither of us has lived anything close to a suburban life, let alone Maddie."

"I'm sure we'll enjoy it. You know, become cliché gay dads wearing sweater vests and shit," Andy teased.

"Speak for yourself," Tom laughed.

"Whatever," Andy sighed. "Let's just go check it out."

With that, he and his boyfriend stepped out of their car—the one they'd actually obtained on their own—and approached the house. Tommy lifted up the potted plant on the porch, and just as Bruce said, there was a key beneath it. He picked up this key and stuck it in the front door, pushing it inward and open.

The house wasn't furnished yet, but according to Bruce, furniture was supposed to be delivered and set up later that day. Even with without that, the house was impressive—the lack of furnishings just made it look more spacious. Of course, it was by no means a mansion—it only had three bedrooms—but it was far better than the dingy apartment where they'd been living previously.

Andy and Tommy took a self-led tour of the new house and were pleasantly surprised at every turn. The accommodations were far better than they had been expecting given who they used to roll with. But, Andy supposed, it's probably more for Madeline than for us.

"I don't think that it's really set in that we're going to live here yet. We're going to live here, work at Wayne Enterprises, and Maddie is going to be our daughter," Andy said in awe.

"What does he plan on us doing there anyway?" Tommy wondered with furrowed brows.

"Who cares? We'll both have jobs at a reputable company. It could be fucking janitorial work for all I care. At least it'll be real, unbiased work," Andy puffed.

"Alright, alright babe chill out. I was just curious," Tommy defended. "Just like I'm curious about how big our room will be—and our bed."

Andy flushed bright red and leaped out of the embrace Tommy had pulled him into.

"You stop that," Andy scolded breathlessly.

"Make me," Tommy sang.

Rather than risk anything or argue back, Andy darted out of the room and down the hall. Tommy growled playfully and ran after him.

Unluckily for Andy, he ran smack dab into someone as he ran down the hall away from his apparently horny boyfriend. Andy apologized to the man he'd run into, but all the man did was grunt and steady him. The mover went back out to the truck, and it wasn't until he'd already left that Andy realized he'd slipped something into his pocket.

As he pulled out the slip of paper, Tommy came up behind him. "Well that certainly ruins the mood, doesn't it? What does it say?"

"It says, 'when it rings, answer it'," Andy read.

"When what rings?" Tommy couldn't help but ask.

"I've no idea. Some phone somewhere," Andy guessed.

"Alright, well we better clear out anyhow and give the furniture guys some room to work. We can brainstorm some more in the car," Tommy suggested.

"Can we go grab some food? I think better on a full stomach," Andy asked.

"I know, babe," Tom laughed. "Let's go."

The pair went back to their car and climbed in, ignoring the moving van for the most part. They figured that they'd see its contents soon enough. There were bigger mysteries to be solved.

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