Chapter Five

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Between the guiding hand of the light and the bloodline of the darkness...


(Y/N)'s POV

Ban and (Y/N)'s shared dream

You were sleeping next to the fountain in wolf form while Elaine was floating around picking berries from the tree when Elaine heard weird singing. Elaine woke you from your slumber telling you to be quiet, hide, and listen to the intruder... "Just a drop on ya tongue adds ten years to your life, and a good swallow gives you a hundred more, drink it all and you'll live forever!" The thief reaching the top in excitement sees the fountain. "Haha! A miracle treasure guarded by a holy saint and pet wolf, the Fountain of Youth...." You whisper angrily, "Pet, I am nobody's pet!" Elaine comes from hiding and stands quietly in front of him. He looks down, "Huh, what's up little girl, you lost?" "I'm here protecting the spring, guarding it against thieves like you." She uses her power to blast him sending him screaming. "Ahhhh shit!" You come out of hiding. "Serves him right for calling me a pet." "Well if you weren't in your wolf form all the time maybe they wouldn't call you a pet." "Fine."


I jolt awake in bed sweating. 'O.M.G. I just dreamt and it wasn't a nightmare.' "Ugh." I lean over the bed to see Ban on the floor. "Get out of bed lazies, it's time for breakfast," Hawk shouts. Ban gets up from the floor standing up and yawning. "Morning Bannie." He turns to see me awake. "Morning baby, sleep well?" "Mhm, I'm still sleepy though, but the first time in 20 years, I didn't have a nightmare. I actually dreamt." He helps me out of bed and kisses me. "That's great. What did you dream about?" "When Elaine and I met you and you were first blasted from the tree." He stares at me in shock. "That's what I dreamt about, weird." 'Shit, did I leave our connection open last night. "Yeah, well let's head downstairs," I say quickly.

He gives me a weird look before picking me up bridal style and heading downstairs. Captain, Elizabeth, and Diane are already up. "Morning everyone." Ban sits at the bar and places me next to him. "I could use a drink Captainnn." "Morning (Y/N), it's a little early for that Ban." "You would like to have some breakfast," Ellie asks. Meli gets up to grab Ban a drink. "No, thank you, Ellie." "You don't expect me to eat the captain's nasty cooking, do you?" Ban holds his hand out and Captain tosses a bottle into it. "Huh, well why don't you cook yourself." "Don't mind if I do." He opens the bottle only to get sprayed in the face. "Hehe."

The gang finishes breakfast and Meliodas spreads out a map I lean on the countertop. "Alright, we're heading to the Necropolis and search for King." "Wait, didn't you say fatty was dead?" I smack the back of his head. "It's the only lead get have, so why not?" They start to talk about the necropolis when Ban pulls me to his lap and we both fall asleep.


I wake up to banging. I sit up seeing Ban and me on the stairs outside. 'How the hell did we get here?' We come to a stop. "Uh, what?" Ban slides down the stairs waking up.

"We're here!" I stand and look around. 'This is it, hmm.' I walk up and join the rest. "This is the Necropolis, it's not what I expected," Diane says. "How did a ruined village like this get that name?" "Apparently, this is the closest place to as rumors say." We hop off Hawk's mom and she digs into the ground.

"Okay, let's get some information about King and since we'll need food money, let's get the tavern open." "Well, look at that Captain does sell drinks." "When he's working he's adorable." "And I'm giving you all jobs. Bring in some people giant billboard girl." "You sure," Diane asks blushing. "Cook up some food, jailbird cook," Meli tells Ban. "Who me?" "Are you sure you want this dude cooking the food," Hawk doubts. "Trust me this guy is a genius when it comes to cooking, just ask (Y/N). She's been eating Ban's food for years." I look away blushing. Ban speaks up, "Well I don't know about that." "Speaking of (Y/N), you know what to do." I nod my head and change into my first wolf form. "I leave her in your care for 10 years and you make her a guard dog, really Captain." Ban bends down and strokes my fur. "Hey, she suggested it." "He's right." "Alright, let's get to it." Elizabeth begins talking to Meliodas when Ban 'thinks' to me. "I'm about to ditch, you coming babe?" "Yeah." I change back and leave with Ban when Diane picks him up.

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