Chapter Twelve

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"We need to get to the others now." He nods his head and we take off.


(Y/N)'s POV

Ban and I turn and walk over to the others. In the corner of my eye, I could see Vivian and Margaret hunch over Gilthunder. 'Damn Hendrickson, that sick bastard.' "I'll be taking this." I glance over to see Ban place Gil over his shoulder. "Ban, what are you going to do?" Ban winks at me before throwing Gilthunder at the Demon Jericho causing her to fall. "Ban what the hell?!" The girls scream in panic. "Watch it Ban, what did you just throw," Diane shouts at him. "It's a good thing I still have this." He pulls out a green spell bead and throws it at Diane and Gil. "Hyper Recovery!" Diane and Gilthunder's injuries are gone. "I probably should have used that on the captain, oops." I facepalm and smack him upside his head. "You giant dope."

I hear swords clashing above us and look up. King is still fighting with Helbram, but Bram doesn't seem the same. A rock flies by my head and hits Helbram's helmet. "Ban!" "Ban, if you touch him I'll kill you. He's my best friend" "Sounds like you should off him them." "I know okay, I know," King mumbles. I punch Ban in the shoulder don't you have any respect for the dead, you damn idiot. "Ow! Babe, come on." There's movement in the rumble little ways near us, then a female scream and monstrous roar. Demon Jericho throws a holy knight into the air but is saved. I leave Ban to head over to Diane and see Gilthunder leaning over the holy knight. "(Y/N), you might want to change forms. You, you know just in case." "No problem, Dee." I slow my breathing and start to feel myself grow to Diane's height. "Please, kill me." "Don't say that. The last thing I wanna do is kill you." "We'll find a way to save you, Jericho, just hang on," I tell her calmly. "Then, you two get out of my way." "Ban?" We look over to see him standing there, holding his staff. "What the hell are you planning?" I see a flash of light near us as Ban swings his staff at the demon body. "Ban!" There's a roar from the body and cracking. The demon body crumbles to pieces as Jericho's human body falls over the edge. "Her body!" In a quick flash, her body reappears with Ban holding her and a demon plant in his hands. "Now the holy knight you once were is gone. Alright, Jericho, it's over," Ban declares squishing the plant.

I shrink down to my normal size and walk over to King as he picks up Helbram's helmet. "Helbram, tell me. Were we still best friends to the very end." I place my hand on his shoulder as another demon knight suddenly appears. We didn't have time to react when an explosion is sent off.

"Guila!!" "Awesome, she's alright," I exclaimed. Diane crouches down to talk to her. "How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling better than ever." "Alright, now let's go help the captain and Elizabeth," Diane shouts. "I'll go around up the others," Gilthunder says. "Once Ban, (Y/N), and I purge the capital of the New Generation, we'll join you."

The boys and I fly through the capital taking down the demon plants of the New Generation. "Try not to screw this up, King." "Who do you think you're talking to?" "Can we focus please and not make this a competition, thank you!" Ban and King zap each of the demon knights. I teleport to a nearby roof and focus on the demon plants of the demons next to me. My eyes turn black and I raise my hand. "Hellblaze seed!" Seed-shaped balls of black flames appear and zap each of the demons. "Nice job (N/N)," Diane shouts. I give her a closed eye smile and peace sign. Another demon appears in front of me but is instantly destroyed. "So, we return from our mission to find this, what's going on?" "Who are you guys," I ask. "The Roars of Dawn!" I sense their power levels. 'Hmm, they must be Holy Knights.' "How's it going," Gowther asks. "As much as I would like to get into another deathmatch, it will have to wait. We'll take care of the rest, alright?" "Thanks a lot! (Y/N), come on!" I nod and teleport onto her shoulder. "Ta-ta!"

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