Track 5

782 47 3

Do you remember?

How you were the first to not receive my apology.

Art class came around again. I arrived early. 

Those small neat words of yours were still engraved onto the back of my notebook. I found myself to be repeating your name in my head every time I glanced past them. 

You walked into the classroom, seeming to be looking for something. When you saw me sitting at the back alone, you approached. 

I was still staring at those little words on my notebook. 

"Park Jimin." I mouthed out silently. 

"Hmm?" Your soft hum followed. 

I heard you breathing right in front of me. I look up but stop when I found your eyes staring directly at me. 

You had grabbed a chair and sat opposite me. Your head leaned on your crossed arms right on my desk. 

I covered your name, pulling the notebook towards my hands. 

You smiled at me. 

I distracted myself from you. I continued sketching. 

My name rolled off your tongue. 

I looked across at you. 

"I'm going. Bye." You grinned, giving me that eye smile of yours. 

My fingers clutched my pencil tight as I flipped my notebook open. I started writing on a new white page. 

Perhaps you thought I was sketching, so you stood up. When I finished writing, you were already gone. 

I placed my notebook down on my desk. It was a little too late anyway. 

I don't think I've ever rubbed those words out. 

"I'm sorry for saying those words the other day."

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