Track 17

415 29 6

Do you remember?

How you were my first kiss. 

I heard the crashing of waves silence to a soft murmur in the background.   

The light of the evening drained away, the gradient of rich gold and juxtaposing fluorescent rose subdued to welcome the vast expanse of gorgeous jet-black. 

Your eyes glistened against the fading canvas, those lush eyelashes of yours fluttered ever so slightly in the cool night's breeze. 

I felt the velvety texture of your lips cushion mine, gently morphing into the crevices, flooding them with the nuance of fresh mint and salt. 

In the ocean of blackness above, materialised a canopy of luminous stars that subtlely flickered in your mirror-glazed orbs, giving birth to the fluttering butterflies that swarmed at the pit of my stomach. 

And in the corners of my widened eyes, the navy blanket of water gracefully rolled upon the fine sand, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of twinkling stars that bejewelled the sapphire ocean like glistening diamonds.  

Your eyelids gradually fluttered shut, leaving the tepid warmth that lingered upon my lips. My fingertips rested upon your forearm that held a firm grip at my waist. 

And when the moonlight's silver-white glow cascaded down your silky black hair, I let my eyes close shut, catching the last glimpse of our grey shadows silhouette onto the sand; elegantly moulding into one. 

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