Track 20

436 29 4

Do you remember?

How you were the first to care for me.

"Isn't that Ha-Nari?" 

"She's mute isn't she? What does Jimin see in someone like that?" 

I stared at the yellow can that was cupped in my palms, my lips quivering at the voices that flooded my mind.

Your familiar lavender scent pleasantly embraced my senses. 

Affectionately, you draped your arms down my shoulders, folding them in front of me. 

Soon enough, your chest cushioned my back. 

Your velvety black locks brushed lightly against the shell of my ear, easing the stiffness in my body. 

"I missed you." You mumbled out tenderly. 

Slowly, your forearm lifted, just enough to cover my red ears. The voices droned out at your subtle action. 

"Let's go home." 

I clenched the can tight in my hand, taming the shy smile that overcame my lips. 

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