Track 8

664 39 4

Do you remember?

How you were the first to make me blush.

It was the end of the school day. 

I was watering the plants when you ran over, I had finished nearly half of the council chores. I wondered where you went.

When I heard your footsteps and heavy panting, I turned around.

Your hair was swept up, exposing your forehead. You said you had sport and was sorry for arriving late.

I glanced over your messy shirt and crooked tie, and you awkwardly straightened your tie.

You said you had a rushed shower, which explained why your hair was still dripping water as you brushed your hand through.

By the time I closed my mouth and averted my attention, I realised that I had completely drenched my shoes in water.

You chuckled a little. 

I flashed you a glare.

"Great job watering the plants." You teased.

I couldn't say anything, my notebook was still in the classroom.

When we walked back to the classroom, I set my dripping shoes to the side. I heard you following behind me as I stepped onto the classroom floor in my socks.

I found myself tapping my marker against my notepad, pondering on what to write to you who was sitting behind me.

I turned around hesitantly, showing you my words.

"Wait here."

You stared at me blankly as I left and ran to my locker in my socks. I came back, holding my spare sports towel in my hand.

You didn't see me or hear me come in. I set the light blue towel on your hair as it settled on your head.

I ran over to my notebook immediately, making sure that you didn't take it the wrong way.

"I don't want the floor to get wet."

You lowered your head, chuckling against the back of your palm. I turned away, feeling myself get embarrassed.


That teasing nickname rolled off your tongue. I felt myself wanting to glare at you.

When I turned around, your hands rested upon my shoulders before pushing me down onto the chair behind me.

You knelt down, I glanced down at your messy black hair. You brushed a hand through your hair, clearing your vision.

You flashed me a somewhat cheeky smile.

"I'm going."

You placed something on my hair.


I could feel the slight pink dusting my cheeks.

You left me sitting there, with the slightly damp towel upon my brown hair.

I was blushing.

The soft scent of your hair still lingered against mine. 

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