Track 15

470 29 4

Do you remember?

How you were the first to make me chuckle.

Distant yells of laughter came to my ears, making my neck snap to the crowds of people playing in the water. 

The afternoon sun scorched down upon the outdoor pool, its panes of rays brilliantly flickering along the crystal blue water. 

I turned my attention back, watching my feet aimlessly dangle in the coolness. 

I was away from the mass of people, settled at the edge as I enjoyed the time alone. I wasn't dressed to swim anyway. I was comfortable in my daily attire of a t-shirt and shorts. 


My gaze shifted to you, fascinated by the graceful ripples of water that skated across to me as you swam closer. 

My notepad wasn't there. 

"Come swim." You beckoned, combing a hand through your wet hair. 

My eyes remained fixed upon yours, attempting to ignore the fact that you lacked a shirt. 

I shook my head slightly. 

You narrowed your eyes.  


Your hand reached out to me. I remained still. 

Without warning, your fingers grasped onto my forearm, pulling me. As soon as my body hit the water, you dove forward, catching my waist as I fell. 

You heard my sharp gasp as I latched onto you, both hands grasping your shoulders. You chuckled, interlocking your fingers to form a platform beneath my butt. 

My expressions contorted into something erotic at your gesture, shyly flashing you a look of utter embarrassment. 

"The water's not deep Hana." You commented, watching me panic. 

My feet settled onto the pool floor quickly. 

Your playfulness earned a quick chest slap from me. 

You chuckled. 

Before I could climb out, you launched a handful of water upon me. As I retaliated with a splash, a small chuckle escaped my lips. 

My hand jerked up to clasp my mouth, shocked by the foreign sound that fell from my throat. 

You stopped dead, gawking at me.

The cool water swayed at my waist, rising and falling. My heart softly beated. 

At the burning sensation of my cheeks, the water droplets slipped down my chin, carrying down the warmth. 

Your wide eyes gradually narrowed, softening into a gentle gaze. 

Before long, you broke into a gorgeous full blooming smile. 

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