Chapter 10

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  Later that night, Levi asked me to get ready for the party his friend was throwing.

"You're bringing her to Ethan's party?" Rush asked in disbelief. "No. She can't come."

I rolled my eyes, not even surprised that this was happening. It was our childhood all over again. Levi inviting me to do something with the guys and Rush or Wes telling me that I couldn't join them. I would never be one of the guys and they would never miss a chance to point it out.

"You can't expect her to sit alone at home all night," Levi told him.

"Why not?" he asked. "We have Netflix and-"

"She's not a child, Rush," Wes piped in and I looked at him. "Let her come if she wants."

Him saying that surprised me even though I knew he was just trying to get on my good side again. He wanted me to stop being mad at him so he was siding with me to butter me up.

"Fine but I'm not babysitting," he frowned and turned back to whatever he was doing.

"Wouldn't want to keep you away from the next set of panties to drop," I snapped at him and turned around to head back upstairs. "I wouldn't even want to hang out with you at a party. I'd have to look for you down some girl's throat."

"Ouch," Levi laughed as I stomped up the stairs.

I showered first before starting on my make-up. I was going to show Rush that I wasn't a kid anymore. I had been to all the parties in high school. Being in the cheerleading squad with all the cool kids, I never missed even one party.

Even though I knew the beanie was going to be a huge throw-off, I perfected my smoky eye shadow, highlighted my cheekbones and smeared lipstick over my lips which would make it impossible for any guy not to want to kiss them. Then I pulled open the cupboard and picked out the sluttiest outfit I could find which happened to be a black mini dress which hugged every curve of my body and had an opening so big down the front that even the crossed thread down the middle didn't leave much room for imagination. I slipped my feet into my black pumps, pulled my beanie over my head and headed downstairs, knowing that they boys would be ready.

Wes, Rush and Levi turned to look at me at the same time and I stalked past them, walking out the door before any of them could tell me to go back and change.

They hurried after me, Rush locking the door as Wes and Levi tried to catch up to me.

"I'm not going to change," I told them before they could speak.

"Wasn't going to tell you to," Wes smirked. "When you reach, you'll want to come back and change yourself. You're a bit overdressed. This isn't Beverly Hills, you know?"

"It's going to be hard to walk in the grass with those heels, Far," Levi told me and I continued to ignore them. "Okay, as you wish."

Levi took the lead to his friend – Ethan's house and we followed in silence. Well, I followed in silence while Rush and Wes spoke in hushed voices behind me. No doubt they were talking about my clothes.

As much as I hated to admit it, Wes had been right. I regretted it instantly when we reached Ethan's place. The party was already pumping...outside and inside but more on the outside. The field outside Ethan's house was slightly bigger than the Hayes's. They had set up a small stage outside and were already performing. There was a huge crowd around the stage, some dancing near a camp fire since the breeze outside was cool.

I felt judged as we made our way through the grass and I felt like a moron, holding onto Levi's arm so I wouldn't twist my ankle or fall on my face in front of all those strangers.

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