Chapter 25

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  Two days after Rush had called me his, he asked me out properly with a single red rose from the garden, asking whether I'd go out for dinner with him. I happily agreed and fearfully made him inform Wes and Levi that we wouldn't be eating dinner with them. Levi still wasn't looking at us in the eye or talking to me the way he used to. Rush didn't seem to care but it was bothering me but I kept repeating Micah's words in my head. I would give him a week to loosen up or I'd go and talk to him about it.

"He's actually serious," Wes said later that night as I got ready in my room.

Rush was in the shower in his bathroom but I was done with mine and was getting ready in my own room. Levi was on the couch watching something on Netflix so Wes decided to interrogate me as I got ready.

"Are you stating that or is it a question?" I asked, rummaging through my cupboard for something to wear.

"Stating," he answered. "I didn't think this day would come."

"Wow, thanks," I muttered, pulling out a black circle skirt.

"Yeah, I was betting on you turning into an old lady with lots of cats," he joked and I threw the skirt at him.

"I don't even like cats," I rolled my eyes.

"This skirt is too short," he held it up at eye level and I grabbed it from his hand. "Are you wearing this?"

"Wes, you've known Rush since we were babies," I told him, going into the bathroom to put on the skirt and a white off-shouldered top. When I came back out, he gaped at me.

"Yeah, that's exactly why I'm worried," he told me. "Because I know him."

"And you don't trust him with your little sister?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, I trust him but I don't think I'll trust anyone with you," he frowned as I started on my make-up. "Guys are horny, Far. I want you to be careful."

"I've done nothing for eighteen years, Wes," I reminded him. "I'm horny but you know me, I'm always careful."

We laughed together and I finished off my light make-up with a gradient pink lipstick. I stood up and twirled around for him, asking him how I looked.

"Fine, I'll accept your relationship," he put his hands on my shoulders and then pulled me into a hug. "But if he hurts you, he's screwed, even though he's my best friend."

"Deal," I said, my face smashed against his chest. "Let go. You're ruining my make-up."

He let go of me reluctantly and smiled down at me. I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into a bag after putting on a pair of black pumps. I kissed Wes on the cheek and led him out of my room.

Rush was already waiting by his truck by the time I got down. I quickly got into the passengers' side as he opened it for me. He was getting into the drivers' side when Wes grabbed his arm.

"Bring her back before midnight," he told Rush and I rolled my eyes. Was he really playing the big brother card?

"What are you?" Rush asked, chuckling. "Her dad?"

"I'm serious, Rush," Wes told him and he actually looked pretty damn serious.

"Just reminding you that your sister is eighteen years old," Rush laughed before getting into the car. "And I'll bring her back by nine."

Rush and I made no small talk as he drove to the restaurant. The radio played the top ten chart songs and I was a little relieved by the pop, rock and R&B music. Don't get me wrong, I loved country music too, it just wouldn't be my number one music genre.

Rush didn't speak even as we entered the fancy looking restaurant that I didn't notice the name of. He opened the door and let me go in first and even pulled out my chair for me once the waitress had given us our table. Who said chivalry was dead? They obviously didn't know that Rush existed. We scanned the menu wordlessly until we both decided what we wanted to eat. It was an Indian restaurant so of course; I had to go for the butter chicken and naan which he agreed to, ordering a plate of sheekh kebab.

Usually, I would have been grateful for the silence but ever since Rush had kissed me that day, I felt like I was walking on a tight rope, ready to fall into a pit of guilt. I knew a secret about his mother – about his heart – and I was keeping it from him. Even though it wasn't my story to tell and he had to hear it from his brother, I couldn't help but be dragged down by the guilt of knowing it. He was now my boyfriend and over the past two days, he had actually shared a lot of memories and feelings with me and I had too, except this one secret which probably would be the end of me if Levi didn't tell him soon. Only Levi wasn't talking to me.

"Are you okay?" Rush asked, bursting my bubble of thought and bringing me back to reality. "You spaced out so I ordered you a coke."

"Oh, uh, thanks," I murmured.

"Is something wrong?" he asked and I blinked several times, knowing that he could read it on my face.

"Yeah, no," I shook my head. "Everything is fine. Perfect, in fact. I never thought I'd be on a date with you."

He chuckled nervously, sliding his hand across the table to entangle his fingers between mine. I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through my hand and settle in my stomach. I smiled sheepishly at him and wished that Aunt Marya was still alive to see this.

The food came quicker than I thought possible but I had managed to tell him about Levi going to culinary school in Chicago and the possibility of him, Micah and me staying in an apartment together.

"Would you be okay with that?" I asked him, wondering whether he was the type to get jealous. I actually wouldn't mind it. I thought it was cute when guys got jealous.

"Yeah," he said quickly as the waitress placed the food in the middle of the table. "And I could drive there on weekends to meet you."

"You'd do that for me?" I asked, tears stinging my eyes. He really was serious about me.

"Of course," he laughed, swiping one of naan breads. "Or if you guys get sick of the city air at some point, the country is always here. Not to mention, this eye candy."

"Did you just refer to yourself as eye candy?" I laughed out loud and he chuckled. "But you're fine with Micah sharing an apartment with us?"

"He'll get back with Caroline soon, trust me," he said matter-of-factly.

"How do you know?" I asked, dipping a piece of the naan bread in the butter chicken gravy.

"I've known Caroline for a while now and there's nothing that girl sets her mind to which doesn't work out her way," he told me, sipping water from his glass. "She still has feelings for him. She won't give up. She's kind of like you in that way."

Once we were done with dinner, Rush drove us straight home. I tried not to be disappointed that the date hadn't been all that romantic. After all, Rush hadn't really dated anyone before. I guess it was going to take him some time to figure out how to do it right. Plus, just being next to him was enough for me. As lame as that sounded.

I was about to get out of the car when he placed his hand on my thigh, stopping me. I looked at him, my cheeks flushing pink as he leaned over to kiss me. My heart was already picking up pace in my chest before his lips even touched mine. His mouth tasted like cherry coke and even though I hated cherry coke, I loved the taste of his mouth.

Before I knew it, I was slipping my hand through his hair, deepening the kiss and letting his tongue explore every single corner of my mouth. He made a soft growling sound, his hand sliding up my mini skirt. I took in a sharp breath, pulling away slightly. The intensity in his eyes could start a fire and I almost started making out with him again when the lights on the porch started flickering on and off.

Wes. I was going to kill him. Flustered, I looked at Rush but to my surprise, he burst out laughing. He took his hand away from my hot skin, leaving me with the sting of disappointment.

"Your brother really is a piece of work," he told me, getting out of the car.

Sighing, I got out, too. Wes had chosen the wrong time to be overprotective. I really had wanted to make up for lost time with Rush before I had to go.

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