Chapter 16

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  I spent the rest of the day with Wes, Levi and Micah who tried to make up for Rush ruining lunch as well as for his absence through the rest of it. Levi baked his mother's famous cookies which always made me feel better while Micah and Wes put on a dance show for me. I laughed until I couldn't breathe – mainly because Wes couldn't dance to save his life. Micah sang a song I requested and I swear my ears bled.

"My folks want me back for supper," Micah told me later in the evening. "See you tomorrow?"

I nodded and walked him to the door. "Thanks," I told him, chewing my lower lip. "For everything."

"Don't," he smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I'm always here. One call away."

"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked into his chest.

"Probably saved the country in your past life," he joked, pulling away. He gently kissed me on the forehead before leaving the house, closing the door behind him so I wouldn't go outside.

"Is it just me or do I see your friendship going on a different track?" Wes asked, leading me into the kitchen for dinner.

"It won't," I assured him. "He made it clear that he'd never fall for someone who liked Rush."

"Hates him that much, huh?" Levi asked, setting plates of roast chicken, mashed potatoes and herbed rice in front of us.

"Not hate," I corrected. "Just doesn't want to relive the past."

"Rush didn't whisk his girlfriend away or something," Levi explained. "Micah was serious about her. She obviously wasn't as serious. Rush was looking for someone to screw and she just happened to be there."

"I heard the story," I informed him. "Well, a more dramatic version."

After dinner, I said goodnight to Levi and Wes and headed upstairs. I showered quickly, put on my bra and panties and wrapped my towel around my body before heading into my bedroom. I never took my clothes into the bathroom...which happened to be a mistake because Rush was waiting in my room for me.

"You scared the shit out of me," I gasped and he straightened from where he was leaning against my cupboard. Then I remembered that I was angry at him. "What do you want?"

"To talk," he answered and his eyes flickered to my towel that I was holding onto tightly.

"I don't want to talk," I told him and sat on my bed. If he thought I was a spoilt brat, I might as well act like it.

"Then I'll talk, you listen," he didn't back down. He sat next to me and I scooted away from him. He grabbed my hand and held me in place. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I was mad, okay? It still hurts to talk about her and no one seems to get it."

"It hurts all of us, Rush," I snapped. "You think it's been easier for any of us? For Levi? He lost his mom, too. And you're the older brother. You're supposed to be taking care of him."

"We're not like you and Wes, Farren," he pointed out. "We're different."

"No, you're different," I corrected him. "You changed. No one else did."

"What do you want me to do?" he asked. "Stop sleeping around? I already have."

"Why?" I asked, feeling a pinch in my heart. Had he stopped for me?

"Because I saw the look on your face the day you came and I never wanted to put that expression on you again," he answered.

"You've always known how I felt about you," I stared at my painted nails and tried to chip the paint off. "I even thought that you felt the same."

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