Chapter 18

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If I hadn't messed up so bad the night before, I probably would have dragged Micah out of Farren's bed and beat his ass. But I had entered her room so early in the morning, hoping to apologize before Wes or Levi could figure out that something had happened between us.

Farren's eyes snapped open as soon as I opened the door but Micah stirred and pulled her closer, which pissed me off even more but I had no right to say anything. Taking in a deep breath to calm myself down, I turned around to leave only to hear Farren call out for me as I headed downstairs. I hadn't expected her to run after me to explain. She had to be hurt and angry about the night before but suddenly I didn't care. I hated to admit it but I felt like an angry-jealous boyfriend even though I wasn't anything close to her boyfriend. Lucky for the both of us, Levi and Wes weren't in the living room.

"Stop!" she screamed as reached downstairs and I turned to glare at her. At least she had managed to put on a pair of shorts under her huge t-shirt.

"What?" I demanded, the side of my lip twitching as I tried to hold back my anger.

"How could you leave me like that last night?" she asked as Micah appeared from the staircase...with Levi and Wes in tow, which only pissed me off more.

"Does it matter?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. "You found someone else to jump into your bed."

"Nothing happened," she said through clenched teeth.

"You sure?" I asked her in a condescending tone. "Didn't get someone else to fuck you because I wouldn't?"

She stepped back like I had slapped her and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Micah appeared beside her, I assumed to comfort her so I didn't expect it when he came at me, his hand at my throat.

"Micah!" she exclaimed in horror.

"Say that again, Hayes," he dared.

"Let him go," Wes said calmly. "Farren, what happened? Why is everyone so angry in the morning?"

"Nothing," she murmured, pulling Micah off of me.

"No please," I chuckled humorlessly. "Explain what's happened, Farren."

"Should I?" she challenged, her eyes ablaze. I didn't doubt that she'd spill everything about the night before.

"Let's go," Micah grabbed her hand. "This is too much shit for this early in the morning."

"Don't worry, I was just leaving," I snapped, not wanting him to have the last word.

I turned around and left the house through the back door.

Did I believe that Farren would have slept with Micah because I had walked out on her? The answer was no.

Did I think something was going on between them? The answer was maybe because I knew Micah wanted to get back at me for sleeping with his girlfriend but I also could see that Micah really had feelings for Farren.

So would he really use her to get back at me? That was a question I didn't know the answer to.

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