Chapter 32

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I let my sister push past me because I knew she didn't want to talk to anyone. It wasn't just the pain of knowing that Rush had just blamed her for something that she had no part it, I could see the pain in her eyes. He had pushed her and she had actually gotten hurt pretty badly.

When she stumbled past Levi and he watched her leave, I told him to go after her. Once he was gone, I caught Rush by the collar. His eyes flared in anger but I didn't back down. I loved him like my own brother and best friend but he had hurt Farren, not just emotionally but physically.

"How the fuck are you still standing here after you hurt her like that?" I shoved him backward, making him stumble back.

"Wes, she's gone," Levi ran up the stairs, panting.

When he saw Rush standing, staring into space and not reacting to the information that Farren had just left the house, Levi sucker-punched him in the stomach so hard, Rush doubled over, choking.


"You don't fucking deserve her," Levi spat at his brother. "All she's ever done was love you and you treated her like shit. You don't even know how much it hurt me to see her with you after you but I won't stand back anymore. You've really done it this time."

"Levi," I stepped in, not because I was trying to protect Rush but because the fear that my sister had a concussion and had ran out on her own was getting to me. "Call Micah. Check if she's gone to his house."

Levi dug his phone out of his pocket and called Micah, putting him on speaker. He picked up after four rings.

"What? Miss me already?" Micah's voice blared out of the speaker.

"Is Farren with you?" I asked quickly, panic rising in my chest.

"No, why would she be with me when she just went home with you?" he asked, sounding confused.

"She left the house-" I looked at Rush. I didn't want to tell an outsider about what had happened in the house but did I have a choice?

"I know where she can be, I'll go find her," Micah said quickly and even though I did trust Micah with Farren, I had to find her myself. She was hurt and concussed and I didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Tell me where she is," I demanded. "She's hurt. She hit her head."

"She what?!" he demanded and I heard rustling and his feet pounding against the floor, followed by the sound of a door banging closed. "There's a lake in the fields, a little off from the horse trail. She said you guys used to swim there as kids. I think she'll be there-"

"Why would she be there?!" I demanded, confused. Farren had never spoken about the lake since the day we banned her from joining us when we had been kids.

"She's been swimming there the whole summer," he explained. "Now do you want me to talk to you or go and find your sister?"

He disconnected the call and I shoved Levi toward the stairs. "Let's go," I turned around and looked at Rush. "Are you coming or do you still not care about her?"

It took everything ounce of self-control I had to not punch the living daylight out Rush. Part of me wished it had been me who had punched him instead of Levi but then I might have fractured his ribs but the other part of me was begging God that Farren was okay. Levi and I pressed our horses to run faster and I prayed that Levi knew where he was going because I sure as hell did not remember the way to the lake.

But why the hell had Farren kept it a secret from us? We all knew she was a pro-swimmer now so we wouldn't have stopped her from swimming...okay, maybe I would have tried to stop her. I mean, it was dangerous. I mean, look where it got her! Okay, so maybe I should have paid more attention to her and it wouldn't have led to what happened tonight. We found Pepper – Farren's horse before we got into the clearing and spotted the lake. Micah reached at the exact same time and dismounted quickly. I followed his lead and looked around for Farren. She wasn't sitting anywhere near the lake. Had she gone into the water? While she had a concussion?!

"Shit, I don't see her," Micah groaned.

"She has to be here somewhere-"

That was when I spotted a dark figure floating about the water, unmoving and lifeless. Farren.

Micah was in the water before I could even register what was going on.

"What the-" Levi stepped in front of me but I pushed him back.

"Don't," I told him. "Stay here." And then I followed Micah into the icy cold water.

He obviously reached Farren before me. He pulled her completely above water and I almost felt my heart stop as he stared down at her body in his arms.

Had she drowned? Had I actually lost my sister? No. She wouldn't do something so stupid, even by mistake. She wouldn't.

"Far," I whispered, dragging my feet to where Micah was. "Wake up."

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