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"Hello is anyone home?" I called out as I entered my house .

Hmm I wonder why no ones here , my husbands family is usually here cooking or watching tv as if they lived here . I don't really mind though I don't really like being alone.

I placed my bag down by the door and made my way to the kitchen.

I jumped back a little bit when I saw my mother in law Rose standing in the middle of the counters. Her eyes were red and puffy as hell , had she been crying?

I took a step over to her while I reached my arms out to comfort her but she quickly backed away from me "Rose what's wrong ? Are you alright ?".

She didn't answer me.

"ROSE" I raised my voice higher. Maybe she can't hear me?

She just kept looking at the ground sniffing her nose , ignoring my existence.

Why is she not answering me? I examined her I don't see anything wrong with her.

Just then my brother and sister in law Oliver and Darcy came into the kitchen they stood on the other side of the counter away from me.

They stood there looking at each other not making eye contact with me. Okay this isn't weird or anything let's all stand there and not say a word. I decided to brake the uncomfortable silence "Okay Oliver you not talking something has to be wrong" I said trying to lighten the mood. Didn't work.

Darcy and Oliver were never this quiet it was rare. Especially Oliver that guy never shuts up. Don't get me wrong I love them even if they talk a lot. So my nerves increased on that alone.

did someone die ? Shit someone died didn't they?

Out of the corner of my eye my husband Casper and my father in law Callum emerge from the living room.

Cas had a very cold and emotionless look to him. He kept adjusting his weight and scratching the back of his neck. Which he usually did when something was bothering him.

Callum on the other hand looked like someone had taken the last chocolate muffin which were his favorite . He looked disappointed .

I just stood there looking between each of them .

"Is anyone going to tell me what's going ?"

I was getting frustrated why can't anyone tell me what's happing ?

Rose finally looked up at me "Like you don't know"

She moved closer to me to where she was now standing directly in front of me "I always knew you weren't good enough for my son" She said.

I was stunned....

I took a step back from her and looked at my husband confused"Cas?"

He didn't even look at me he just stood there.

"There is a place for people like you and it's not here. Corrupting my son. Feeding him lies. It wasn't enough you got to live a glamorous life girls like you always ruin good things. "

Well hell I knew the old bat didn't like me but damn what is she going about  now.

"Cas what's she talking about ?"

Everyone in the room tired so hard not to make eye contact with me. I was humiliated and nobody said anything. Not even my husband.

Finally Casper looked me in the eyes.

He walked over to me and pulled his mom away from me so he now stood in front of me "Do you think I'm stupid? that I wasn't going to find out what you been doing behind my back ? Behind all of our backs ?" His tone was so cold and mean.

"Was what I gave you not enough you needed more ? You felt the need to rob me ?" He continued

"What are-

He interrupted me by moving his hand in front of my face "Not only did you cheat me by whoring around but you cheated my company from there money. There hard earned money."

"How could you do this ? I trusted you , I loved you and this is how you repay me by sleeping around and stealing from me " he moved closer to me and grabbed my arm tightly.

"You need to leave . Pack up your shit and leave . " his eyes once filled with love and care now replaced by anger and betrayal.

"I don't understand what your talking about ? Casper please I don't understand what's going on ".

He let go of my arm with force causing me to fall to the ground.

"Get the fuck out Charlie "

He threw pictures and documents at me. I picked them up and looked at them.

The pictures had a girl you couldn't really see her face but she looked like me she had my clothes on and even my wedding ring. She was going on dates it looked like with a guy who she was all to cozy with.

But this isn't me it can't be i never cheated on Cas. I don't even have any guy friends. I don't understand how something like this could happen.

The papers was proving that I was embezzling from our well his company  funds there was over billions of dollars that I supposedly stole. It had my signature. I don't remember signing those papers.

"Please you can't be serious why would I do this your my family " I pleaded

Rose picked me up from the floor and slapped me straight across the face " You will never be our family again , just go back to the scum your from."

I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe the woman who I looked up to was saying such things to me. My father stole money from my mother to . That's why she left us. I am not anything like that man.

I looked over at Darcy and Oliver who were standing there shock written all over there faces.

I had tears falling down my swollen face. I tried so hard not to cry I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and looked at Cas who was looking at the ground.

He couldn't even look at me. My own husband.

I tried pleading one more time to Cas . he can't believe this he just can't.

I walked over to Cas and placed my hands on the side of his face making him look at my teary eyed face "Cas please this isn't right I didn't do these things please Cas I love you please , you can't do this I'm pre-

He slapped my hands off his face and pushed me causing me to fall again "What you did wasn't right. If you so much as come anywhere near me or my family I will have you thrown in prison. Don't try to contact me , I'll have the divorce papers delivered to your work sign them and I won't take legal action against you " he words had no remorse in them. Just hatred.

I couldn't believe it. Here I am being humiliated in front of everyone I ever cared about. But i did nothing wrong and soon he'll find out and I won't be here when he realizes it.

I finally composed myself and picked myself up and started walking towards the door. I didn't want anything from them so with one last look towards the family I grow so close to , I left and did what he asked .

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