I can be fun

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(Charlie's POV)

Knock knock knock....

I look up from my bed and reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone.

6:47.... the bright white screen flashed in my face...

What the .. who could that be ? Maybe if I just lay back down they will go away.

Knock knock knock.....

again really why?? Just why.

I slowly get out of my bed and walk down my stairs  to the door. I unlocked it and opened the door about to give the person on the other side a piece of my mind " do you kn-" I stop mid sentence and come face to face with not only one person but three.

The Drakes to be exact. Casper , Oliver and Darcy all stand in my door way.

"Okay idk what has been going on in these couple of weeks but it's not okay to come to a persons house at 6 in the morning" I said running my eyes.

"Please it's like 7 and don't you have a job or is this what you do all day?" Casper said looking me up and down.

"Yes but I don't have to go in until 9 I'm missing like two extra hours of sleep"

"Come on is that any way to treat the family  of your kid let us in " Oliver said trying to push passed me.

I am really regretting telling them about Aiden.

I opened the door and gestured for them to come in. They did and looked around. Oliver was the first one to sit on the couch and kick his feet up not shy at making himself comfortable . " swanky place you got here Charlie looks all middle class , love it "

"That's because she is middle class dumb a-" as she was about to finish her sentence Aiden comes running down the stairs.

"Omg is this a secret party I wasn't invited to ?" Aiden stops in the last step and puts his hands on his hips.

"No bud it's a surprise party for you" Oliver says throwing his hands up.

"Surprise" Darcy yells.

Aiden looks at Casper and jumps into his arms giving him a hug " Hey buddy " Casper says hugging him back.

"I got a lot to tell you , but first can you make chocolate  chip pancakes?" Aiden asks Casper

Casper looks at me with wide eyes . I know he can't cook but he didn't want to let Aiden down " I can let's go you can help me" Darcy says getting Aiden from Casper.

Me and Casper make our way to the couch next to Oliver. " okay so why are you guys here ?" I asked confused.

"I'm hurt why can't we just come see you to " Oliver said sarcastically.

"Because you don't ever do that" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Which was true they only been to my house once since we all started talking again.

"It was Casper's idea" Oliver said putting his arm around Casper patting his chest.

I looked at Casper who was just sitting there a little annoyed probably because of Oliver.

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