Chapter Fourteen

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The breeze picked up around me as I sat under the tree near the front of the Business Building. It was a warmer day than usual for summer which made it more distracting to study.

I still preferred it compared to the stuffy, cold library.

I lightly repositioned the scarf on my neck, trying to pull it away a bit more to let some cool wind against it. I sighed. There was no way I could get comfortable with it on. But I couldn't take it off either.

The handprint had gotten darker, angrier making a sharp contrast against my fairer skin.

I texted Damien that I needed to talk to him but received no response. Even Cat-boy, Bird-boy, Oren was gone. I hadn't seen either of them since the night at the bar two months ago.

I was the last person to see either Leah or Damien ,too. While Leah had kept contact with her parents, Damien had cut off all contact with me while he was gone. I assumed that they had been together the entire time touring their home.

I took a deep breath and leaned my head against the tree trunk. I was so tired if only I could close my eyes for a couple of seconds ...

"Falling asleep again, Emmy?"

I looked up at the voice. It was Mia, her long dark hair back in a braid. She had her hands behind her as she politely leaned down. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Her smile was warm, reaching her eyes.

I only nodded. She crossed her legs and sat next to me. Mia had started to spend time with me before class since it was a class we both took in the afternoon. Since Leah had disappeared with Damien all two months ago, Mia became more open. As funny as it was, it was a small routine that I started looking forward to. I never realized how mousy she was. She was quieter on her own than when she was with Leah.

She was really kind.

And insecure, I'd found out.

I'd always thought she was outgoing but it turned out that as soon as Leah stopped showing up for classes Mia became quieter, reserved.

Or she had always been that way and Leah was the one that brought out her adventurous attitude.

"Is it that noticeable?" I asked her about her observation.

She nodded her voice quiet, "The last couple of days I've noticed that you've fallen asleep during Harper's class."

I sighed, disgusted. It wasn't like me to fall asleep during class but I took it for what I could. I literally could not sleep for weeks. Nightmares plagued my nights - I started wearing concealer under my eyes.

"Harper doesn't seem to mind," Mia said quietly again. "I don't know how you aced his quiz when you fall asleep."

I shrugged. "I don't sleep at night - I have to do something. So I just study."

She took out her book and opened to the chapter we were studying. "Would you mind helping me try to figure this out? Arrays are not my favorite."

We discussed the subject until class was about to start. Mia looked more relieved than she had earlier. "You have no idea how much this is going to help me."

I shrugged. "It's all right. Happy to help."

She tossed her long dark braid over her shoulder and she zipped up her bag. "You should sell tutoring services you know. I know a lot of people that would pay you for what you've been teaching me."

I shook my head. "I don't know –"

Mia insisted. "Seriously, you should definitely at least consider it. Or join the study group Josh has put together. I think he's asked you before, right?"

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