Chapter Thirty-Six

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A sudden force jolted me awake.

I quickly shut my eyes against the harsh light of the room as soon as they were open.

I'd felt the force before on extremely exhausting nights - it was sudden, out of nowhere. It felt like I was falling off a cliff.

After a moment of disorientation, I suddenly recalled my last memory.

Had it really happened?

Was Damien really dead?

My heart squeezed.

I pried my eyes open again, the light of the room was softer this time making it easier to open them.

Someone in the room moved, startling me. I rose from the bed too quickly, making my head spin. I was disoriented, dizzy. I groaned, placing a hand on my forehead.

The person sat next to me on the mattress making it sink under their weight, I instinctively moved away.

"Just breathe."

I looked at the owner of the voice and froze.

Damien's violet eyes met mine.

Damien was alive.

He was alive.

Just to die again.

I jumped back, kicking the comfortable covers off of me. My back collided against the headboard then my head.

Damien reached forward towards me.

"No!" I jumped back even further falling off the other side of the bed and onto the hard floor.

"Gods," he grumbled as he got off the bed and ran to the other side towards me. "Stay still, you'll hurt yourself!"

I huddled to the corner of the room not stopping until I could feel the walls meet behind my back.

My tears ran freely. "Please!"

He didn't stop approaching me.


The room exploded.

Or at least it felt like it did.

The bed that I was laying on before was suddenly hurtled away from me, flipping in the air and colliding with the wall on the other side of the room. The crack of heavy wood breaking rang through the air. Splintered wood and debris fell around us.

I was shaking like a leaf as I watched him freeze in front of me, hands extended, palms towards me, like he was talking me off the ledge. "Emylin, it's okay."

I shook my head fiercely. "No, no, it's not!"

He watched me as he stepped closer.

I flinched and the rest of the furniture in the room scraped against the floor making me clench my teeth.

He stepped back stopping his approach.

"Please," I begged. "Please, I can't watch you die again. If we try to escape again, he'll know, he'll know-"

The doors burst open and armed guards poured into the room led by Oren.

Oren. I hadn't seen him since the night of the party.

He'd never been in my dreams never in my frantic fantasies of escape.

Why was he in this dream now?


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