Chapter Forty-Two

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Kymra's words haunted me for the rest of the day.

I couldn't stop thinking about what she said, how her words would fit into what I'd seen earlier. How they had confirmed my own fears.

But his words, his actions - they were Damien.

"Ask him a question or tell him something that is out of character for you."

I groaned and exhaled loudly as her words replayed in my mind.

It was Damien. It had to be.

I pushed the thoughts from my mind as I tried to get ready for dinner. I searched through the closet and found a mint green dress that I'd worn a couple of times before. I was grateful to at least have that packed for me since everything else was T-shirts, jeans and hoodies. When I looked at myself in the mirror to get ready, I stopped.

I half expected to see my old reflection staring back at me. Instead, I felt like I was looking at a stranger. Previously if I were to get ready, I'd wear foundation, blush and continue on my way. Now, I realized I didn't need any of it.

The acne scars of my youth were gone completely as well as the freckles that danced on the bridge of my nose and cheeks. My pores were no longer visible, smoothed out against the milky white complexion I now had. My hair was stark white almost silver, unlike my eyebrows and eyelashes that kept their deep, dark color. My lips were plumper and pinker contrasted against my skin as pale as moonlight.

The only part I did recognize were my eyes. They were still the deep dark brown I'd always had.

And even then I still couldn't recognize myself without my glasses on.

I took a small blanket from the bed and placed it over the mirror on the vanity after I took my long hair and placed it in a high ponytail. I couldn't look at myself. My reflection was not my own.

Somehow, I was able to miraculously find a pink lipgloss in a bag on the dresser which I applied quickly to give it a quick sheen.

After I was ready I went to the small balcony of my room. Damien's was large enough to fit a dais, table and chairs. Mine was just large enough to stand at to watch the city and the Ylee below as the sun set.

I continued to watch until I heard a knock on my door.

I almost sprinted to it and quickly opened it.

As soon as I took in Damien standing at the threshold of my door I pushed my worries and Kymra's words out of my head.

If there was an inkling of doubt before, it all vanished as I watched him turn towards me. His hands were in his pockets, his hair still wet from an earlier shower, the buttons of his shirt carelessly unbuttoned at the top. It was strange how he watched me - the boyish charm I'd grown used to seeing as we grew up was gone. He now had a predatory gaze that both thrilled and delighted me. I bit my lip as I watched him in his black ensemble.

His eyes gleamed in the light as he took me in.

I cleared my throat. "I'm not overdressed?"

He took my hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it as he watched me. "You look perfect." He nudged me out the door. "Come on."

He didn't let my hand go as I followed him down the dizzying hallways and stairs. "Will you give me a tour one day?"

Damien nodded. "Whenever you want, just let me know."

It wasn't until that moment that I realized how sheltered I had been before. I barely saw anyone before when I was staying at the castle even when they were getting ready for the wedding. Now there was a bustle and a flurry of color. People hurried down the halls, with food and furniture in their hands.

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