Chapter Twenty-Two

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Oren was much better at the game than I was. Determined to beat him, we continued playing the next day in the afternoon again.

Damien was still nowhere to be found. And with only two days left before the wedding, I had to speak to him urgently.

Oren and I were set up in front of the fire, the warmest place in the room with the most light. We were in chairs across from each other with the table between us. I watched him over my deck of cards as he carefully played his next hand.

When he was done I placed mine. "I won! I finally won!"

He laughed as I started my victory lap around one of the chairs.

Someone knocked on the door.

Oren stood and walked over, a hand on his sword. Once the door opened slightly, he peered outside then opened the door widely.

Kymra walked inside, her eyes moving between the two of us. To Oren, she said, "You are mad, aren't you? Imagine the Alteazor finds out you're in Lady Emylin's room?"

I piped up. "Call me Emmy, please!"

They both seemed to ignore me. "We're only passing the time playing card games since he has conveniently forgotten about her."

The words stung. I didn't think that Damien had forgotten about me at least not in the way that Oren was saying it. Could it be true?

Kymra crossed her arms. "With respect, General, you should be careful." She whispered the next part so low I didn't catch it.

I walked over to them. "What's going on?"

The tension in the room was suddenly cut and Kymra turned to me with a smile. Whatever the conversation was, she didn't want me to know about it.

She curtsied in front of me. "Forgive me, Lady Emylin, I did not mean to be rude."

Oren turned to me. "Emmy, Kymra will take over for now while I go talk to the Guard with what they've found."

I nodded after Oren bowed and he quickly left through the door.

Kymra's long black hair was piled on top of her head, her translucent skin seemed to glow accenting her dark eyes and rosy cheeks and lips. She was dressed differently than before, she was no longer in armor but in a long green robe that reached her fingertips and trailed behind her as she walked.

Her fingers and sleeves of her dress were tainted in pink and blue like she had been mixing paint.

"I've come to get you, we're going to visit the Magister. He is expecting you."


"The Magister, he is the most knowledgeable person in magic in the kingdom. He is going to try and see if he can help with your Mark."

I started to walk towards her where she stood close to the door.

She held up a hand as I neared with a smile.

"My lady, you are hardly dressed to walk around the castle as a guest of the King. First, you have to change."

I looked down at the oversized T-shirt and jeans. "I don't have anything else."

And I didn't - the change of clothes that were packed in the duffel bag were already used and dirty and I hadn't found a washing machine.

Kymra smiled kindly. "Did you explore your room while you were here?"

I shook my head. I'd only found the bathroom and took the long bath I'd been wanting and the main room where the TV and bed were.

She signaled towards a closed door at the other end of the room. "Follow me, please."

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