Chapter Twenty-One

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I felt like a prisoner.

A prisoner in the most beautiful place I'd ever been in but a prisoner, nonetheless. I was taken to a room and had been basically left alone. The only interaction I had was with Oren when he would knock on the door and hand over my meals.

I wasn't allowed to leave and I was definitely not allowed to talk to anyone else. The fear was that I'd be found out as human and then -

Well, no one would tell me what would happen then.

Maybe looked down on - as if I hadn't been used to that by now.

After the revelation about the throne, I jumped off of it like it was on fire. Damien had left me with Oren after he almost laughed himself in stitches over it.

And he disappeared. I hadn't seen him since. Which was troubling since I wanted to speak to him about what I'd learn about the queens.

Suddenly, Leah as a queen didn't seem like such a good idea. Even if Damien was in love with her.

Oren escorted me to my room soon afterward.

It was a stunning room much larger than my own with its own bathroom and fireplace but no windows. I had a couple of books and a television to keep me busy but after a couple of hours of no contact with anyone else I'd already gotten uneasy.

I didn't have my phone - somehow it'd gone missing in the aftermath of the night before so I couldn't call or text anyone or even go on social media. The channels on the TV were cable with nothing local to my home to know what happened with Mia.

I was essentially cut off from the world.

And the fact that I wasn't allowed to leave the room or talk to anyone else added insult to injury.

After a day, I was determined to get any information. I slowly opened the door to my room to find the solitary guard, Oren, standing there in an otherwise large and empty hallway.

His pose was stoic and imposing as he stood at the door. He didn't turn towards me. "Yes, Lady Emylin?"

I cleared my throat. "Any new information?"

He shook his head but still didn't look at me. "No, my lady."

I sighed and leaned against the door. "Any way I can get out of here?"

He shook his head with a small laugh. "No, my lady."

I groaned. "Not even to stretch my legs?"

He shook his head again.

I was fuming, "Does he really think that throwing me into a room for days without any contact is going to keep me safe?"

This time, he did look, his caramel eyes seemed to look right through me. "Yes."

I swallowed hard. When I was younger I always imagined what other of his kind looked like. Were they like Damien? Were they handsome, beautiful, just as breathtaking as him?

In the last day, I got my answer.

Yes. Yes, they all were.

Oren could have fit in as a famous Hollywood actor with his rugged good looks.

Rugged, since he looked like he had hard labor at some part of his life whereas Damien did not. For a moment, I wondered how old he was. He didn't seem older than Damien - though none of the others did either.

And I was gawking.

I shook my head. "There has to be something, anything I could do?"

He gave a handsome crooked smile. "No, Lady Emylin. The Guard is still tracking this man down. The King got a good look at him, it's only a matter of time."

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