Chapter Twenty-Five

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Song: Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea - MISSIO

My eyes grew wide as I watched him mere feet from where I slept. The familiar feeling of my erratic heartbeat and adrenaline shot through me.

I screamed like I never screamed in my entire life.

I scrambled off the bed, trying to place as much distance between myself and the Tattooed Man, falling off the other side

He was still the same. His white eyes watched me intently through his curtain of long raven hair.

The same man that had murdered Mia and tried to take me nights before was back. Even as I fell off the bed in an unceremonious heap on the floor, I didn't stop screaming bloody murder.

He sauntered like a cat. He took his time as if he knew that there was no way I could outrun him. Somehow, I'd managed to pin myself between the bed and the fireplace in the corner of the room with nowhere else to go.

A loud bang made me turn to the doors.

They seemed to burst off the hinges as a thundering noise came from outside of the room. Something pushed against them with enough force that they seemed to breathe.

"Emmy!" Oren's voice called frantically.

A large crash erupted and again, the doors were pushed. It sounded as if he were running into them with all his strength. I could hear the desperation in his voice and in the cacophony of voices outside of the room. A group of people were trying to get in and the doors were resisting them.

I turned to the Tattooed Man. He slowly sauntered toward me like a predator stalking his prey. I had to do something fast or he'd reach me before Oren and his men could tear the doors open.

I grabbed everything I could get my hands on, and threw it towards him as hard as I could in a feeble attempt to keep him away. He barely moved and still managed to dodge my attempts completely.

The vase full of flowers crashed behind him leaving a mess of glass, water and flowers on the floor. The horrifying noise split in the air making the men on the other side of the door intensify their efforts to open it.

I pushed the hair away from my face. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

He tilted his head like Woof would sometimes do while playing. It was almost comical, as if he couldn't understand why I was screaming at him.

I looked around at my options - trying to make my escape. If I went right, I'd run right into the bed, if I ran left I could make it to the door! It was close enough!

I tried distracting him by grabbing whatever else I could from the nightstand next to me. I threw a glass of water at him with so much effort I thought I'd pull a muscle.

He barely moved again and managed to miss the heavy cup.

There was a reason I wasn't into sports.

The glass shattered on the floor behind him again which he looked at in curiosity.

I made my move.

Running on adrenaline, I bolted as fast as I could toward the doors. He appeared right in front of me before I could make it across the room.

Gasping, I backed away, my heart in my throat.

I looked for anything around me to use as a weapon and grabbed a large poker from the fireplace.

He watched me the entire time, not speaking, not making any expression, only watching in curiosity.

I held the poker in front of me with both shaking hands. "STOP!"

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