Chapter Forty-Three

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Song: Start a War - Klergy & Valerie Blousar (please play, no seriously, it's perfect)


I felt cold the entire night, even after he'd tried to make conversation with me.

I faked the conversation, the smiles, the flirting.

It was painful.

It was painful still as he kissed me good night. A deep passionate kiss that I was sure would have made me weak in the knees if it had been Damien that kissed me.

But it wasn't.

It was Robyn.

I only felt repulsion as he kissed me, as he deepened the kiss and pressed me against him.

I acted coy as I gently pushed him away to say goodnight and closed the door. When he could no longer see me, I ran to the bathroom and threw up my entire dinner in the toilet.

I fell against the cold marble floor willing the coldness of the floor to seep into my skin and take away the fever I suddenly felt.

I had watched him in the quiet moments during dinner and kicked myself over and over for not realizing it sooner. He'd touched me lovingly, I let him, revealed to him my darkest moments, confessed that he'd broken me ...

I propped myself up again against the porcelain toilet and didn't stop until my body couldn't retch anything else.

I'd made my mind up immediately as soon as I realized the truth.

Robyn couldn't know.

He wouldn't know that I knew.

I had to formulate a plan - I had to get Damien back. And if it meant I had to play a part to stay close to him while I figured it out, I would.

I owed Damien that much.

"You found out, didn't you?"

Kymra stood at the doorway of the stunning marble bathroom watching me apprehensively.

"Twenty minutes," I whispered as I lay on the cold marble floor. I stared at the ceiling, dazed. "My life was perfect for twenty minutes."

She sat on the floor next to me. "I'm so sorry, Emmy. I am -"

"He lied to me, didn't he?" I asked her as I lay on the floor of the bathroom. "He lied when he said he was dampening my power with his. It's the Mark, isn't it?"

She gnawed on her bottom lip but said nothing.

"And the clothes - my stuff, did he bring that?"

"The Alteazor asked me to get everything for you while you were asleep. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable while you stayed."

I laughed wryly. "Earlier he made it seem like he went out and got it himself. That bastard. Damien would have at least admitted he had help."

Kymra didn't say anything.

I couldn't turn to her. "Who else knows?"

Kymra shook her head. "No one. No one knows. I can't get close to anyone else."

I sniffled. "Then where - where is Damien?"

Kymra froze at my words and looked away. "I wish I knew."

"Is he still there?" I asked quietly.

Kymra shook her head. "I don't know."

Rage boiled inside me, pure, hot rage. "I am going to kill him. I am going to kill him myself -"

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