Chapter Seventeen

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It was a peculiar feeling. Being kissed by Damien—being close enough to feel his breath against me. To be able to smell the aftershave on him.

I'd been kissed before - once on a dare when I was young. The second time on a very short-lived relationship when I first started college that didn't lead anywhere.

But it was never like this. I was frozen in his arms, afraid to move. Too startled to move.

I knew what was happening as soon as he kissed me. The scenery changed around us and it'd stopped raining.

He was teleporting us.

I had immediately shut my eyes knowing what would happen if I kept them open.

Eventually, the world stopped and he loosened his grip.

I pulled away slowly not breaking eye contact though his own eyes were still closed. "What was that for?"

His eyes opened slowly. His voice was soft, whispering as well. "I had to transfer some magic to you. It was the only way to get you to the Underworld safely."

"The Underworld?!" My eyes widened, panic was in my voice and I couldn't hide it.

He shook his head, his eyes never leaving mine. He placed his hand on my cheek. "That doesn't matter right now. Are you all right?"

I watched as his concerned eyes scan mine.

I tried to focus and answer his question even though I had a million questions of my own.

Was I alive? Yes.

Was I hurt? Physically, no.

But I'd just seen a man cut down Mia where she stood and moments later, she died in my arms.

I shook my head. "I'm fine but Mia - "

He nodded and pressed his forehead against mine. His voice was soft. "Please, please stay here. You are safe here." His voice almost broke. "Don't leave this room. Promise me."

I nodded against him, gripping the wrist of his hand on mine.

I wanted to be strong. I knew I needed to be.

I wanted to draw my strength from him. I wanted to keep myself together. I didn't want to fall apart. "I promise," I whispered.

Instantly, he was gone making me stumble forward, no longer being able to hold my own weight against him.

I looked around the room I was in. I quickly realized it was a bedroom.

But it wasn't any room like I'd seen before. It was grandiose. The ceiling was very high with ebony walls holding it up. The strangest part about the room was the way it was lit. It was as if there were lights in the ebony walls. It was beautiful, like blue starlight twinking within.

I approached and touched the wall, mesmerized at how the lights moved within the wall like they were small fireflies attracted to heat. I pressed my hand against the wall and pulled it back. My handprint stayed on the wall for seconds then dispersed.

"Amazing," I murmured.

It was just enough light for me to see around where I was walking but not enough to see everything in the room.

There was a four post bed at one end of the room with a fireplace on the opposite side. There were couches in front of the fire with a large rug and table. Next to me, there was a dresser with a large mirror standing next to it. As I walked to the dresser and looked at the objects on it I realized it was Damien's room.

Friends with the King of the Underworld | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now