Chapter Thirty-Two

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Silence hung over me like a shadow. It was in every corner of the dark, dirty cell. The loneliness and boredom were too much to bear and pressed down on me with so much weight I was sure I was going to go crazy.

I couldn't even tell how much time had passed. I had no window to watch the sun or the moon, meals weren't regular and sometimes I'd go what I thought were days without food or water. If you could call what I was given food, it was barely edible gruel.

Whatever magic I did have that one night didn't resurface.

Even when I concentrated nothing would come.

Then I found myself to be ridiculous, as if I knew what I was doing.

I knew it had to be the Mark. Kymra had said it before when I couldn't control myself that it was the Mark's magic working, controlling my body.

It had to be related.

Or the magic wasn't my own and he channeled it through me somehow.

But that didn't seem right either. I'd felt it come from me, even before he'd snapped his fingers and started controlling me. I'd felt the magic in my veins, felt it thrumming through me seen the effects.

The Magister hadn't released me from the Mark like he had claimed. He'd just made it disappear from my skin, left the magic of it intact so that when Robyn did come, he could still control me.

I wondered if they went after the Magister once we disappeared and demanded answers.

Kymra had mentioned that Oren wasn't satisfied with his answers. Did they know he was involved?

I hoped so.

And that they could get answers from him and rescue me.


I missed my house, missed my parents, missed the daily walks I would take through the woods behind the house. I missed the sun on my face, missed even the small breezes that kissed my cheeks.

I missed Damien. Even if a part of me hated him for leaving me and getting married, I couldn't blame him. He had his duties - he thought he had to marry Leah to keep his throne.

Which turned out to be a big, fat lie thanks to the Magister - Damien didn't have to marry Leah after all.

My stomach turned at the thought of them together. She'd wanted me dead, hated me enough to poison me. Jealous enough to follow through.

Robyn hadn't forced her.

He said he barely pushed her to it.

Her hate had been there all along.

How would she be now? A benevolent, kind queen?

I snorted. Maybe a petty queen that wanted the biggest jewels for her crown.

How wrong I had been.

Eventually, sleep found me.


"Wake up, darling."

I groaned against my slumber, too comfortable in the layers of blankets and pillows to move.

Fingers gently traced my cheek moving my hair from my face. "Wake please now, darling." Soft lips grazed my forehead.

I stretched lazily and turned to the voice next to me, slowly opening my eyes. Upon recognizing who called me, I smiled. "Good Morning, my love."

Robyn smiled and planted another sweet kiss on my brow. "Good Morning, my queen. How did you sleep?"

I yawned as I stretched. "I think I had a nightmare." I frowned as I struggled to remember. "You locked me in a cell."

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