~His Bad Girl~ :Chapter 11:

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♪◀Chapter 11▶♪

'Your heart is all I own' - Perfect, Ed Sheeran


My dad left the house.

I sighed. "I'm sorry I said it, I just can't handle you faking everything is alright with you, when obviously it's not", Eros stopped me from walking back to my room.

"I know and I'm sorry, too", I told him and he hugged me.

"At least she's going to jail soon", he said. "We don't know yet, there's not much evidence to prove that she was abusing me", I said softly.

"Your scars in the back says another thing", Eros said.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him with my eyes wide like a saucer.

"How?" I blurted out.

A broken look formed in his face with a small smile.

"EA, I'm not that stupid", Eros said, "I live with you and that woman and your cries and screams were pretty loud".

I was shocked.

Beyond shocked from his revelation.

I've always thought that he never or didn't know about my mom abusing me when I was 12.

My mom would always hit me in the middle of the night when Eros would be asleep. Well, when I think he was asleep.

I never knew why she did it. Why she would hit me every night, but when I was 14, I learned how to stand up for myself and that's when I changed and my mom stopped hitting me.

She knew I was capable of fighting back after she got a call from the school about me sending a kid to the hospital.

"Oh", I said to him.

"Yeah, oh", he said.

I sighed and lean on the wall, "Eros?"

"Hm?" He replied and lean next to me.

"What do you think is dad going to do about this?" I asked him.

"He's probably on the way to that woman right now, I mean dad has his own plane for Christ sake", he answered.

"Right", I stuffed my hands inside my pocket.

"I'm sorry I haven't really been the good brother for you, I should have defended you more to her, you wouldn't have gotten hurt by her", he said to me and looked at me.

"It's okay", I said to him, "At least I know you're still there for me".

"Let's change the subject", he said to me.

"Right, I don't like talking about this", I said and pushed myself off the wall.

"Yeah, me too", Eros pushed himself off the wall, too and walked towards the couches and sat down, "I feel like one of the guy likes you".

I scoffed and sat down next to him, "Now, why would you think that?"

"Because when you're in the same room as him, he wouldn't stop staring at you", he said, "I even caught it in a picture".

He brought out his phone and let me see the picture. It was at Jax's house. I was staring at my phone and Jax was staring at me with confusion.

"You're just over thinking about this", I said and pushed his phone away.

"Even in school, EA, he stares at you", he rolled his eyes and lean on the couch.

"It's impossible", I shook my head and rested my feet on his lap.

"It's possible, I mean, you're pretty attractive and any guy would be attracted to you", he said and made eye contact with me.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I doubt it", I shrug my shoulders.

"Why don't you ask him about it?" He asked.

I stared at him blankly, "Eros, Jax and I barely even talk, what makes you think I'll start a conversation with him, especially me asking him if he likes me or something".

"It doesn't hurt to try", it was his turn to shrug his shoulders.

I groaned, "Why did you even bring this up?"

"Because I want to be that older protective brother", he grinned.

"That's Aaron's job and besides I'm older than you, asshole", I scoffed.

"Wait, you are?"

I looked at him dumbfounded, "Yes I am".

"But you don't look like the oldest one", he said and scrunched his eyebrows.

I breathe out and pinched the bridge of my nose, "That's because I'm older than you just for three minutes, asshole".

"Oh... really??" I face-palmed and he busted out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, you're face", he was pointing at me while laughing so hard.

"You did know that, didn't you?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"No, I actually didn't", he stopped laughing and fixed his hair.

"How am I related to this guy?" I whispered to the big guy up there.

"You're related to me by blood, duh", he answered.

"No, I'm not related to you", I said.

"Yes you are, you're my twin", he started playing some games on his phone.

"No, you're adopted", I crossed my arms.

Eros stopped his phone accidentally on my shin and I hissed in pain, "Ouch".

"Oh my god, I am?" He asked with his eyes wide and shock evident in his voice.

I just stared at him and blinked my eyes.


And again.

"Oh you were joking?" He rolled his eyes and took his phone again in his hands and continued his game.

"What do you think?" My face still holds that poker face look.

"Yes you're kidding, I mean Duh, I'm not that stupid", he said, not even looking up from his phone.

"No shit", I stand up from the couch and walked up to my room.

I lie down on my bed and stared at the ceiling and one question pops in my head.

Is it really possible that Jax likes me?

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