~His Bad Girl~ :Chapter 13:

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♪◀Chapter 13▶♪

"Respect your own body, don't hurt it" -Unknown

WARNING: There will be a lot of swearing in this chapter, I repeat, a lot of swearing, thank you.


"Where the hell did you go!" I stormed inside my brother's room and smack him in the head.

"Ouch, what the hell?" He rubbed his head and glared at me.

"Why did you leave me in our last class? You asshole, it was Calculus for Pete's sake", I exclaimed.

Eros laughed and lie down on his bed, "I didn't feel like doing calculus earlier".

"You can't just leave me like that again, I was looking for you after school", I sat down on a rolling chair and lean on it.

"Well, you didn't need me since I saw you and Jax kissing", he said.

I whipped my head to look at him and he was propped up on his elbows, putting all his weight on his elbows.

"What?" I asked, shock evident in my voice.

He raised his eyebrows, "The guys and I were there, duh".

I glared at him and stood up, "Were you playing around with me?"

"No, we told Jax to tell you the truth, but instead of telling you the truth, he showed you the truh", Eros said.

"What truth?" I was still glaring at him.

"The truth that he definitely likes you", Eros said, "Now, get out of my room".

"Wait, that was not the only reason why you skipped class, right?" I asked him.

"Yup, we were at the roof top and was talking about it", he confessed and stood up from his bed. He walked towards me and grab me on the shoulders, turning me around and pushing me out of his room.

He closed the door in my face, right after he pushed me out of his room.

"RUDE ASS PERSON!" I shouted at the door, knowing he could hear me.

"DON'T CARE!" He shouted back from the other side.

"What is all the shouting for?" Aaron came out of his room.

"Nothing", I muttered and Eros's door opened.

"EA KISSED A BOY", Eros shouted.

"Why you little brat", I gritted out and was about to grab his hair when he slam his door, but before he could, I stuck my foot in, but suddenly regretting it as pain filled my ankle, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, fuckity fuck fuck, flying fuck".

I was jumping on my right foot while clutching on my left one. I let out some more of my colorful language and both of my brothers came to me.

"You okay?" The most 'obvious' question was asked by my one and only twin brother.

"DO I LOOK LIKE IM FUCKEN OKAY?" I yelled at him and he flinched, Aaron and him covering their ears.

The pain was still there and I groaned. "You shouldn't have put your foot there", Eros said and forced a smile on his lips since I was looking at him like I want him dead. Which I actually do, right now.

"Can you walk?" Aaron asked and I nodded my head.

But once I put my left foot down and took a step, the pain worsen and I winced. "Okay, you can't walk", Eros said.

"Shut up, will you?" I said to him angrily.

"Okay, shutting up now", he did like a zipper thing in his lips and I punched him on the upper arm and Eros groaned at the impact.

Aaron carried me bridal style and brought me down stairs. My dad and Shy was in the kitchen eating when the three of us came inside.

"Why are you carrying her?" Shy stopped eating and asked Aaron curiously.

"She", Aaron put me down on one of the chairs, "Hurt her foot".

"How?" My dad asked.

"One word... Eros", I said.

"One word... Door", Eros defended himself.

"Explain?" My dad ushered Aaron to explain.

Aaron explained from him hearing us shout to Eros slamming the door and me sticking my foot in between.

"EA, kissed a boy?" My dad asked and wiped his mouth with a cloth and stand up from his chair.

"Really, dad?" I groaned out.

"Quiet, young lady, did you really just kissed a boy?" My dad asked and walked closer to me.

He bend down in front of me and grab my foot, "Aaron, go get some ice".

"Yeah", I mumbled under my breath.

"And who is this boy?" My dad looked at me, his right eyebrow raised.

"Jax Harrington", Eros answered for me while grinning.

I am so killing him later.

"The brother of Althea Harrington?" Shy asked.

"The youngest son of Samuel Harrington?" My dad asked.

Well damn.

"I think?" Eros asked.

"Yes", I answered since I kinda knew Althea.

Aaron came back and gave the pack of ice to my dad and he applied it to my now bruised ankle.

"Well, I guess I'll have to talk to that boy then", my dad said.

"Do you even know him?" I asked my dad and winced when he applied a pressure to my ankle.

"Of course I do, Samuel Harrington is my business partner and my best friend", he said and I was surprised as hell.


I'm such a nice author :) note the sarcasm aha


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