~His Bad Girl~ :Chapter 30: (Part 1)

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♪◀Chapter 30 Part 1▶♪

"Expect the unexpected"


I have never, ever, seen this in my life.

Graduating high school was impossible for me before, when I was still under my mom's supervision.

With my school records, and living with a person who's supposed to be my 'mom', I've never thought I would reach this time in my life.

I smiled and clapped hard when they called Jax's name. The guys and I hooted when he came up the stage to take his diploma. He raised his diploma and pointed it at me, winking at the process. I blushed when everyone turned their heads to me.

Highschool does changes your life. I changed for the better. I thought I wouldn't live my life happy for reals because I'm always angry at people, and would think violence is the answer, but I did. I also managed to find a boyfriend of mine in the process. Which will be my husband soon since we're apparently 'engaged'.

"Emerald Ayan Parker"

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the stage.





Were the ones I heard while I was on my way towards the stage and I laughed. I grabbed my  diploma and shakes the hands of the people up the stage.

I faced the crowds and grinned.

Hell yeah, I graduated.

I went down the stairs and walked back to my seat.

"Eros Art Parker"

Eros walked up the stage and my family and friends shouted the same thing at him like the one they did to me.

When Eros got his diploma, he did a dab and everyone laughed.

Graduation ceremony flew by and everyone was already leaving with their families.

"Hey love"

I turned around and saw Jax. I smiled and hugged him. "Congratulations, love", he whispered next to my ear and pecked me on the lips.

"Congratulations to you, too, love", I said to him.

"Alright, that's enough, I want to hug my baby girl", my dad said and hugged me.

"Hey, dad", I laughed and hugged him back.

"Congratulations, sweetheart", he said to me.

"Thanks, dad", I grinned at him.

"We did it, we did it, we did it yayy", Eros started to sing that stupid song from Dora. "Eros, don't you even dare", I warned him and he hugged me, tight.

"We did it, twinny", he whispered and I wrapped my arms around him. "Yes, we did", I whispered back.

"Dinner will be held at the Harrington residence", Mr. Harrington said and my dad was next to him.

"Oh mahn, I wanted to go to that party a jock was throwing", Eros whined and my dad elbowed him on the ribs and gave a warning look.

"Oh wait never mind, it probably sucks anyway", Eros muttered under his breath.

Well, that's weird.

"Alright, let's all head there", my dad said and we all started to go on our own vehicle. I walked towards Jax's car and we both went inside.

I feel like something big is happening tonight.


When we all made it to Harrington's residence, the foods were all ready on top of the long dining table. Different types of food were cooked and they all look delicious.

My mouth started to water and that's when I only noticed how hungry I actually was.

Jax pulled out a chair and signals me to sit down and when I did, he sat down next to me.

My man is such a gentleman.

"Alright everyone, dig in", Mr. Harrington said and we digged in alright.

"Oh my God, this is so good, whoever cooked this, can I take you home?" Eros said while there was food inside his mouth.

"Too late, she's married", Jax's sister laughed. "Darn", Eros said and my father laughed at him.

"I don't think I can swallow another spoonful", I groaned out and touched my now, big, stomach.

"There's still dessert, love", Jax chuckled.

I squinted my eyes and pointed a finger at him, "Is there black forest cake?"

He grinned and nodded his head, "Of course, I asked them to bake one, knowing you love it too much".

"She eats anything with chocolate", Eros said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

The maids took all the leftover foods and brought out the sweets. There were different cakes and ice creams. When my eyes landed on the black forest cake and a chocolate mousse, my eyes widened and my lips spread out into a big smile.

"Come to mama", I whispered and Jax laughed from beside me. He reached out for the sweets that I was eyeing and hand it to me.

"Yum", I licked my lips and grab a fork. I shove a spoonful of the cake and my eyes closed.

I also ate some of the chocolate mousse. "This is so perfect, you gotta give me the recipe", I said excitedly.

"Sure thing", Mr. Harrington said and I smiled at him.

When everyone finished eating, Jax's dad said that he prepared something outside at theie backyard, so we all decided to go there.

When we reached outside, I was curious because it was dark and the water inside the pool was the only light and the light from the house.

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